" let's say only 1% is found. That's 100,000 total fraudulent votes over half a century."
Not even that.
A solid reading of The Heritage Foundation's website on vote fraud convictions makes several things very clear:
1. States average about one conviction per year, per state.
2. Most vote fraud is NOT committed by voters; it's by one of "the three Cs": Canvassers, Cullers, and Counters.
3. When a multiple vote happens, it's almost invariably ONE extra, by voting in a second jurisdiction, or for a newly passed spouse or in-law.
4. Those double voters split about 1/3rd to 2/3rds doing it absent-mindedly, versus purposefully double voting.
5. In-person multiple voting at the same precinct, under different aliases, is virtually nonexistent. The risk/reward in almost all cases is a HUGE risk to a microscopic reward, ESPECIALLY for folks in America illegally.
6. No fraud at scale, ever. Fraud at scale is a weak-link operation, and thus doomed to fail.
"Trump supporters are dressing at garbage for Halloween."
That's easy.
All you need is bronzer, orange hair, a long red tie, adult Depends, and a cheap blue suit.