" let's say only 1% is found. That's 100,000 total fraudulent votes over half a century."
Not even that.
A solid reading of The Heritage Foundation's website on vote fraud convictions makes several things very clear:
1. States average about one conviction per year, per state.
2. Most vote fraud is NOT committed by voters; it's by one of "the three Cs": Canvassers, Cullers, and Counters.
3. When a multiple vote happens, it's almost invariably ONE extra, by voting in a second jurisdiction, or for a newly passed spouse or in-law.
4. Those double voters split about 1/3rd to 2/3rds doing it absent-mindedly, versus purposefully double voting.
5. In-person multiple voting at the same precinct, under different aliases, is virtually nonexistent. The risk/reward in almost all cases is a HUGE risk to a microscopic reward, ESPECIALLY for folks in America illegally.
6. No fraud at scale, ever. Fraud at scale is a weak-link operation, and thus doomed to fail.
" the party that installed their candidate without a single vote"
The door was open. Any Dem who wanted had the chance to throw their hat in the ring.
None did, and the Dems are obviously fine with that.
Meanwhile, next week's losers are already starting their crying time.