"If it's a "nothingburger" why a blanket pardon?"
Because defending yourself against completely bogus charges costs a lot of money and eats a lot of time. You wouldn't like it if YOU were the target: six figures, at a minimum. Have you got that kind of money laying around you could waste defending a false charge?
FFS, you screeched LAWFARE every day regarding Trump, and the only case you could pretend was lawfare is a crime that gets charged FOUR TIMES IN AN AVERAGE WORKDAY. (Math: 9700 cases, 9 years, 225 workdays/yr)
Meanwhile, you'd be fine if Hunter got jailed for a tax charge folks don't get jailed for, and a gun charge "no USA would bring", according to Eric Holder. That's clearly LAWFARE, and here you are defending it.
Well, I'm sure we're all partisan, to some extent.
The hack part comes when someone screams about "Lawfare", even when there is none, while defending it when its done to a Democrat.