Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Donald Trump's team is mounting a new angle of attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, and while their plan is very much connected to the campaign's already racist rhetoric, its bigoted legacy goes back even further to the presidential election of 1988.


"But, I'm not certain that's within their reach.
Seems like the antithesis of free market capitalism, which both parties support."

People often want to move to places with less population where they could buy homes and leave the rental market and as they do that it reduces demand for rentals in the over-populated area where they are living with ever increasing rents. In earlier times when western parts of this counyty had vast amounts of unpopulated land we offer homestead with the requiremeny that the homesteader build a house and live there for a number of years. So we had great migratiobs of people leaving overcroeded cities and starting homesteadsin other parts pf the country. Right now Biden is talking aboit down payment assidtance to first time home buyers. Iy's a great idea but it should be only ailable for purchases in parts of the country that have been largely depopulated like Detroit or other places that have suffered population loss due to changes in manufacturr]ing. This could revita;ize areas that have lost population and caused dramatic decrease in [toprty values and alleviate dramatic population growth anf femabd for rentals in areas where rent increases have been so rapid that it is becoming difficult for families to keep a roof over their heads but just as homesteading only worked with a requirement that people who were granted homesteads had to live on the ptoperties fo a numbrt of years down payment assistance should have similar ewquirenents and no be available for anyone to buy proprerty to rrent out or for investments,

Drudge Retort

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