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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022, there has been considerable media attention and legal scrutiny of the health and life exceptions to state abortion bans. This may emerge as an election issue as Former President Trump has stated that he supports rape exceptions to abortion bans, but the 2024 Republican party platform says states should decide their own abortion laws " with no mention of exceptions. Really? That is really what you want? All Despite broad support for legal access to abortion in cases of rape or incest, 10 of the 21 states with abortion bans or gestational limits do not have an exception for pregnancies resulting from sexual assault. Christistian conservatives....is that what you really want?
Should a young girl have to carry and deliverher step-father's baby? And yes, this actually happens. Should she be required to obtain "parental consent" here in Florida?

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"I have no idea who is behind it," the former president recently claimed on social media. Many people Trump knows quite well are behind it. Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term published by the Heritage Foundation. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis isn't merely campaigning against a popular abortion-rights amendment set to appear on the November ballot: He is turning the organs of state government against it, making a mockery of the notion, enshrined in law, that there should be a firewall between governing and electoral politics. Florida's tinpot governor, whose political potency has been diminished by electoral loss and recent scandal, has abandoned persuasion in lieu of coercion. Attorney General Ashley Moody unsuccessfully fought to keep the amendment off the ballot entirely. A DeSantis-backed board of bureaucrats successfully dreamed up a bogus disclosure that will be attached to the proposed amendment warning voters that the restoration of abortion rights could somehow "negatively impact the state budget."

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Donald Trump's team is mounting a new angle of attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, and while their plan is very much connected to the campaign's already racist rhetoric, its bigoted legacy goes back even further to the presidential election of 1988.


Trump economy 10weed taxes but that idea wouldn't sell in America so we just renamed it inflation and then blamed it on the next administrationl i.e: Biden. So today; SURPRISE! he wants to do the exact same thing again.

"Trump's on his way to saying, "F&&$ it! NO TAXES ON ANYONE ... EVER!!"

Yes. and that would turn the dollar into worthless paper. The government has to have a source for something of real value but when the 1%, who have most of the money, are unwilling to return a portion to the government even their own money becomes worthless; Germany 1930.s so they elected a right wing tyrant who made the people work for nearly free so that the rich could keep all of their worthless money. So Hitler did then what Pitin is doing now. Invade another country and steal their wealth. This only works though until the victim nation runs out of wealth to steal and then the aggressor nation has to invade another victim nation and the cycle will keep repeating until someone stops the addressor which is what the U.S. is trying to do in Ukraine right now but Ukraine only has so many men to sacrifice in this war. NATO needs to step up now and reinforce the Ulrainians with both war materials but also troops or elsw Russia's unqurnchable thirst for unearned wealth will motivate Putin to invade more of Europe. We've all seen this movie before but some of us (Republicans) didn't learn anything. The Russian demands for wealth will not just atop; they have to be stopprd! That's going to be expensive but waiting longer wpn't make it cheaper! Probably the only wealth in Russia that could be tapped to repay the world is their oil' which means, Putin amd the evil oligarchs who caused this war bt stealing all the wealth of Russia and leaving the people to starvr and freee in winter but, just as Czar Nicholas learned, the hard way, today's oligarchs will also have to learn.....starting with Putin hanging in Moscow and probably a bloodbath of the o;igarchs similar to th e "reign of terror" during the French Revolution.

Seems to me that Trump doesn't scare Republicans like he did before the debate. I suspect that doubts about him are getting stronger. If he loses on this he loses in Nov. and he will cease to be the most powerful person in the GQP and Republicans will become fearful of the GQP label. I think Trump's association wiextremists ia changing fron the sourve of his strength to his Achiles heel. Extremism is not gaining votes for Republicans any more; now it is costing them votes. His disastrous debate performance and his poor choice of running mates has u started his slide but his poor choice of running mates has made it worse for him. Trump seemed to forget women can and will still vote in America and Vance has managed to convince most women think that the GQP is offering them a future of pregnancy after prefnancy just like our grandmothers endured. Vance was a stupid choice because he really only appeals to one demographic and it is a shrinking one; straight, white, not college educated men. If you look at the voting population of today that is just the definition of MAGA and the future is so not described by MAGA! Definition of MAGA today is different than 2020. Then it was no more woke. Now it is rule by cranky old white men who want women in the kitchen fixing their dinner and not interupting when the men talk about politics. OMG! We have a non-white woman beating Donald Trump in debates and in polls too!
So now that ass***e wants to tank the economy just so he can try to blame Biden/Harris but it is too late now. If he were to succeed now, which is doubtful, and actually shut down the government it would turn both houses of Congress and his defeat would be insured because he would get the blame.
It really seems that "if you give them enough rope they will hang themselves" is playing out in real time!

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