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Saturday, October 05, 2024

Without the Bush and Trump tax cuts, debt as a percentage of the economy would be declining permanently. read more

" between the 1940s and the early 1970s, the United States government developed Project Cirrus and Project STORMFURY, both attempts to manipulate hurricanes by seeding clouds." As detailed by Willoughby et al., the U.S. gov Long story short: No. humans have not learned how to control hurricanes though many attempts were made over seveal decades. If you want more detail click on the link.
But MYG is still "Bat S**t Crazy!"

Donald Trump has spent days trying to capitalize politically on Hurricane Helene, which has wrought destruction across six states in the southeast and left at least 200 dead. Not only has he claimed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have received "POOR GRADES" for the administration's handling of the storm, despite bipartisan praise for their response ("It has been superb," South Carolina's Republican governor, Henry McMaster, said this week). Trump has outright accused the administration of intentionally withholding aid to Republican areas impacted by the storm, even lying at a Thursday rally that Democrats "stole" relief money that should have gone to storm victims and "[gave] it to their illegal immigrants they want to have vote for them this season."

Thursday, October 03, 2024

A federal judge unsealed a 165-page motion pertaining to Donald Trump's January 6 trial on Wednesday, revealing details and co-conspirators connected to the former president's 2020 election subversion read more

Drones loaded with bombs targeted a military factory at the heart of the central Iranian city of Isfahan, authorities said Sunday, causing a large explosion and minor damage to the facility. The incident served as the latest flashpoint for rising tensions over the country's nuclear program and its supply of drones to Russia. The news drew a celebratory reaction from Kyiv that earned its own rebuke from Tehran on Monday. read more


"How is it liberals think a natural occurance is controllable? It's not."
and thus the idiotic slogan:"
First, you might want to tell Marjorie Taylor Greene yhat!

zsecondly, the claim that "the greening of Antartica" is a "naturally occuring phenomenon" a rather convenient exscuse for oil producers to deny science. After thousand of years of it not occurring and after climate scientists have been screaming warnings that it was going to happen if we allowed CO2 levels to rise too high; that those "green house gases" would create thr "greenhouse effect" of global climate change. So now we can clearly see exactly what they have been predicting for decades but you just nrush off scientists and claim it is a "naturally occurring phenomenon" though one that hasn't happened for many thousands of years and it is just coincidental that it is occurring exactly when climate scientists have predicted it would. Your claim is just a last ditch effort to justify denying science and a transparent excuse to justify continuing our high levels of oil consumption which is a huge source of wealth for oil producers all jover the world including here in the United States and thus the idiotic slogan "drill baby drill!" which actually means drill in the Anwar Natural wildlife Preserve" so that oil companies can make millions of dollars producing more oil so that they can fuel further global climate change as if "the greening of Antartica" doesn't prove beyond the shadow of any dout that the climate change scientists are right and the science deniers, a/k/a "useful idiots" who are happily repeating the talking points the oil companies want them to repeat. They fund politicians to carry their watzer with billions of dollars and buy Congress and even Presidents but the ptoblem is that natural laws like the "greenhouse effect" of greenhouse gases will continue to cause global climate change and politicians can't stop that no matter how much money they get from the oil industry and, like it or not, the"greening of Antartica: irrefutably proves that Science deniers can pretend it's a natural pgenomenon for a few more years but soon it won't matter what they say or want to believe. We have raging forest fires, hurricanes bringing disastrous floods and the hottest summers on record. So deny science all you want but when a "naturally occurring phenomenon floods your home or burns down your home just remember climate scientists told you it would happen and what we need to do about it or just continue on being a science denier like those who profit from oil want you to,

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