Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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"Another thread where the far left triples down on not learning why they lost, and insulting those they need to convince to come around to their side."

Most of us know we will never convince Trump voters. They don't consider arguments or facts; they just listen to right wing propaganda and believe as if it the Gospel truth. It has been this way forever. America has always had large numbers of poorly educated people who right wing demagogues can easily get to believe anything they want. Not too long ago it wasn't Trump; it was George W. Bush and his insane invasion of Iraq. Same people defending Trump today were defending Bush back then. Nothing really ever changes. The names change and the topics change but it is always the more educated trying to convince the less educated who are being manipulated by some snake oil salesman on radio or TV. And those snake oil salesmen demonize the other side using emotional pitches appealing to feelings about religion, their sense of somebody getting something for nothing, patriotism, etc. Right now it is tariffs and deporting migrant labotors and both ideas will be disastrous for our economy. And you're wrong, we know why we lost. Trump's voters want to "shake up government but their ideas for doing so will just create economic disaster. Bush did the AME THING AND it caused the worst rexession since 1929! Now Trump has some simplistic ideas about tarriffs and deporting immigrants. Tarriffs will just make everything more expensive and midwest farmers are already alarmed that Trump will deport the labor they need to plant and harvest their crops. Same stupid merry go round of stupid people looking for simplistic solutions to comple issues. If that sounds condescending well get over yourself, it's still the truth.

Drudge Retort

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