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Tuberville is a senile old racist who doesn't know where he is most of the time. But the rest of that Party, have ant of them directly attacked Putin or Russia who are the aggressors who invaded a nation that never threatened Russia? No, they blame Biden as if Biden is connitting the crimes against humanity that Putin has ordered his military to connit in Ukraibe. But Republicans are strangely silent about the realities of the Russian invasion of Ukraibe. It's a sscared of Putin if they are afraid to offend that psycgotuc dictator? What the hell is going on? Even the President Elect seems afraid to say a word against Puyin who is murdering thousands of innocent people as if it is his right to do so and the entire Republican Party is afraid to say anything about it! Hate to say it but it does seem Trump is more loyal to his nentot than to his country? And he is going to be our President? This situation is unprecedented; we'vw never had a traitor as our President before but it seems we do now!
So, we all know Tuberville is a crazy, unpatriotic piece of filth but he is not alone in the attempt to sway public opinion against Ukraine instead of the mass murderer Putin. But we have plenty of surrender monkeys right here on DR who just think Ukraine should just give up land for pesce, Ukraine is not going to do that because lunlike American Republicans they aren't cowards so scared of Putinn that thet even support Putin's bitch as our President and apparently never think they could dsre to speak out against Putun no matter what he doe, just like his bitch! It is a shameful display of cowardice in our government today like I have never seen in my life. The only era we could rven remotely compare it to is the Isolationist era of 1936-1941, when Americans hadn't yet figyred out that Hitler was our enemy. We had American industrialists going to Germany who ere just so impressed with their factories even though the Nazi's crimes were beginning to be reported. Much like the GQP today! The Party of Cowards!

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