"and those who have relatives overseas who don't want to be killed by American made weaponry in the name of democracy and freedom anymore."
They certainly are not being killed with American made weaponry today; you must be referring to the unnecessary wars in Iraq and Afghanistan started by George W, Bush and which opponents of those wars were called traitors even by Fishpaw who now pretends to be anti-war hypocrisy of Republicans who cheered on Bush ( Bush Presidents) to invade Iraq twice because they just were salivating over all that oil, as described in PNAC but which, in the end, George W. Bush was too stupid to even get, not that I give a crap. But now, suddenly, Republicans are all worried about the costs of war because we are supplying an actual democracywith the weapons they need to defend itself from a super power that signed treaties promising to never invade in exchange for them givibg up their nuclear weapons . Even the man who put that deal together, President Bill Clinton, now says he regrets it because Putin and Russia just can't be trusted to honor treaties which is also why Ukraine will not negotiate for peace. You can't negotiate with terrorists and Putin is a terrorist
"We are going to have to be damned lucky to avoid a major recession or much worse."
It goes without saying. Republicans always get into power specifically so they can create an economic calamity foe Demodrats to clean up, It's in their DNA!