Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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I'll risk eternal damnation because I don't believe any of the religionists garbage designed by the powerful to strike fear into the hearts of any who refused to believe in the Sanctity of Kings. It is, was and alwaya will be a bunch of bulls**t designed to keep you obedient and subservient to another human being who claims "royalty" but who is actually just a human being like the rest of us...as was Jesus Christ, if he ever actually existed, which I seriously doubt, but OMG! now I'm going to burn in Hell forever! Oh well! I'm sort of glad I don't live in fear of that today. The religionists won't like it that their fear tactics don't work any more; it means they have lost control. All of them' your Baptist "fire and brimstone" assh**e, your Priest, your Rabbi, your Ayatollah; they are all the same:i.e. actors pretending to have direct communication with an imaginary God. My recommendation: When anyone tells you they communicate directly with the imaginary God ignore them don't kill them because you will just end up in prison if you do. Let the liars continue to tell their self-serving lies but know that they know we laugh at their nonsence and ridicule their religious bull s**t! Eventually, others will awaen and throw off the restraints of religion. Yes, God I don't believe in, and who can't grant wishes because he doesn't actually exist. I had a friend ask me just the other day if I believe we have souls? I had to answer truthfully; no I don't believe we have souls. I believe the powerful invented the concept so that id you were illed in one of their wars of conquest, it would be ok because your imaginary soul would live on.

Break iy down; we are advanced apes. Pretend whatever nonsense you want but that is what we are.

I think I remember someone else who had thoughts on this subject.

"Six Years After Cheney Said Deficits Don't Matter,' The National Debt Hits A 50-Year High"


And then what happened MAGAidiots? Well, at least the few of you that can actually remember all the way back to ancient history....lie 2008! Republicans are, if nothing else....predictable!

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