Dec 7, 2023 Eric Posner Although Donald Trump is many things, most of them bad, he was not a fascist when he was president, and he would not become a dictator if elected again. The power of constitutional and bureaucratic hurdles, combined with a dearth of sympathetic right-wing radicals, ensure that anarchy is more likely than tyranny. CHICAGO " Americans have worried about their presidents becoming dictators (or, in the old days, tyrants) ever since the Unites States was founded. The framers of the US Constitution understood that in classical democracies and republics, leaders often tried to seize power from legislatures and other assemblies. That is why they created a system of checks and balances on government power. read more
"$100 in 1980 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $382.88 today, an increase of $282.88 over 45 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 3.03% ... Inflation Calculator Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis read more
ISD Senior OSINT Analyst Elise Thomas writes an op-ed for the Moscow Times on Russian state media's reliance on American far-right news personality Tucker Carlson. Elise, along with other ISD analysts, has long studied Russian influence campaigns and argues that Tucker's content gives them ammo to back up their narratives in a much better way than they ever could. "Their tactics may change, but their strategy remains broadly the same: stoking existing divisions and turning up the dial on polarisation, rather than seeking to invent new issues with no basis in reality." Following this strategy, Russian state media has often relied on the ex-Fox News Channel anchor and his "knack for polarisation." read more
On the brink of the Second World War, a young Norwegian man's drive to resist the Nazis sets a new course for his future " and the future of his country. read more
I wonder if most people actually understand the significsnce of abolishing the Dept, of Education?
the goal of Trump/Musk and the Tepublican Party has almost nothing to do with waste or the diversion of funds to enrich selected recipients without legitimate reasons to recieve those funds. It is more about getting the federal government out of education so that mostly former Confederate atates can teach whatever distorted history they choose, Here in Florida Desantis has taken black history out of the curriculum. Nationally Trump has ordered the Air Force to stop teaching cadeta about the Tuskeegee Airmen. Trump and Musk aren't your average, run of the mill, racists. No, they are extreme White Nationalists and that is and has been the true meaning of "Make America Great Again" all along. Now they can take their truths about who they are and what they intend to do to America out of the closet and become, outwardly, their true selves probably with flashy uniforms and military style hierarchy of ranks for MAGAs who will be their Gestapo. Ivana Trump told everyone Donald was reading Mein Kampf every night and kept a copy on his nightstand. That Trump is a full blown Nazi! That fact should have been repeated 24/7 theoughout the campaign.