2. That's hard to accept when the jumping-off point for a debate is the latest trans news from the Daily Mail.
Who has that on a news feed? Or wakes up to check out the latest?
Boaz, I don't think you know what a debate is. Did you ever see one in school or on TV? Did you know there are rules? And the winner is who makes the best argument with support of the facts that are available to both sides?
You might have been a badass at whatever you were doing overseas, working under terms of engagement. And you might feel like an Internet warrior and a defender of freedom and truth here.
But a good debater must have a grasp of basic knowledge, and some literature and philosophy are helpful too.
Oddsmakers would not view you favorably, Boaz.
Back when you actually got books of coupons that I could take to the Chinese takeout place up the block and trade for weed.
#21 | Posted by TFDNihilist
Bring back S&H Green Stamps.