"The FBI crime statistics and other reputable studies show that the vast majority of homicides are intraracial, not interracial as suggested."
That was NEVER SUGGESTED by anything I wrote above. I spoke about the homicide rates for black males and black females being much higher than every other ethnic/gender pair. The only comment I made on the victims was that it was mainly Democrats killing Democrats. Given most of these killings occur in deep blue -------- cities, it is usually black Democrat killing black Democrat.
"The claim about Black-on-white crime rates is not supported by evidence. FBI data from 2019 shows that of white victims, about 17% were killed by Black offenders, not the 81% claimed."
No such claim was ever made. However, if you actually want to inform people, why don't you tell us of number of incidents of white perpetrator / black victim in the case of the rape and then the inverse?
"It's also important to note that various socioeconomic factors influence crime statistics and should not be used to make broad generalizations about racial groups or political affiliations."
Sure they do. Which is why murder rate in the US is almost 100% correlated with the % of black population by county.
"IOW, your reality does not align with the evidence and data in the real world.
#10 | Posted by rstybeach11"
Nothing you posted addressed a single claim I made in my original posting. So, let's test the claims and you can then prove me wrong:
What is the per capita murder rate for black males?
What is the per capita murder rate for black females?
What is the per capita murder rate for white males?
Please, bring actual data to the discussion.
"@#20 ... Because as the data clearly points out, we have a racial/cultural problem. ...
Thank-you for admitting that."
I said we had a culture problem from my very first post moron.
"And, now can we get back to the question I have been intimating? ...
Why do we have a racial/cultural problem?"
Why do you think? Why do blacks shoot and murder people at rates multitudes higher than whites?
"It is easy to highlight a problem.
Symptoms are obvious. Solutions, more difficult."
Well, the first step to a solution is admitting that we have a problem. Do you now want to admit this is a problem in black American almost exclusively?
"So, how does your current alias propose we resolve that racial/cultural problem?"
Step 1 would be to actually enforce the law in deep blue -------- cities. Stop and Frisk in NYC worked wonders. Second would be locking up gun violence offenders for way longer sentences so they are not able to re-offend. 3-strike laws had a huge positive influence in making the cities safe. Third, we could enforce the border to finally tackle our drug problem and the violence that goes with it. Forth, we could turn back 60 years of Democrat policies which encouraged black women to have kids without a father around to raise the kid. So, those are some normal solutions that don't involve stripping the rights away from law-abiding people.
"What should we do differently to find a solution to the racial/cultural problem your current alias highlights?
#23 | Posted by LampLighter"
I would also think deporting Obama would make a huge positive step.