Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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It's hilarious to me that Axios is complaining about powers the office legitimately has, like deportation."

Read project 2025 laughing boy.

Here is just a few of his proposals ...

8. Focus on the Southern Border While Trump's primary focus remains on the southern border, it's worth noting that his plan also targets legal immigration. For instance, he intends to scrutinize the ideologies of immigration applicants by searching their social media accounts, adding a layer to the already existing practice of providing social media handles.

(Emphasis mine.)

9. Financial and Health Requirements: Furthermore, Trump plans to demand proof of health insurance affordability from prospective immigrants and impose significant bonds on some travelers seeking entry into the US.

10. Potential Challenges Inevitable: Many of these proposals, such as designating cartels as 'unlawful enemy combatants' and initiating a naval blockade, could escalate tensions with Mexico. Additionally, Trump's reliance on Mexico for the 'Remain in Mexico' policy could raise humanitarian concerns.

11. Legal Battles Ahead: Trump's team is leaning on two sections of U.S. law to justify these plans: INA Section 212(f), which grants the president the authority to suspend the entry of aliens whose presence he deems detrimental to the United States, and the Alien Enemies Act, part of the old Alien and Sedition Acts signed way back in 1798.

But don't worry. There won't be any legal challenges. If the President does it then it's not illegal. So sayeth the Supremes.

Drudge Retort

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