Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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"I did not say it was. This is a thread about public perception."

If you read one article and base all your beliefs and or problems on it I cannot help you and you definitely need professional help.

You came into this thread supporting the contention that science declared the oceans unsafe when it was only one scientist in expressing her concerns relative to her own area of expertise in an article in the LA Times.

In these days of Tik Tok and social media our brains have been and are being completely rewired. THAT is what needs to be studied. Along with the depression and myriad of other problems like isolation and loneliness being caused by social media. Which is apparently not so social.

The rest of the story is the CDC later determined that the going to the beach was safe as long as YOU didn't bring the virus with you and you kept your distance from others. (Human behavior)

As for studies of surfer depression. That's a great thing to study (I guess)but there is whole lot of depression going on tho and depression during a global pandemic or any disaster of global proportions when normal human behavior is disrupted seems to be a normal occurrence for any normal human (being as we are social creatures) .

And I am so sorry that surfers were so inconvenienced by a global pandemic that killed millions. I hope they are ok now that we know more and things are under "control" again.

Seems to me when there is a global pandemic raging out of control being overly cautious is a thing to be expected. As is resistance to authority.

Drudge Retort

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