I'm not mad at the FD. That's you, Boazboy
You're as unhinged at Trump and his followers.
I am not mad at the FD. I am making fun of you.
And your response is to behave precisely like him, Boazboy.
such shame.
lol. Of course, that's unpossible.
You seem very upset by this issue.
You act like a troll and still can't see when you are being made fun of.
I am not doxxing anyone.
I am not making death threats to anyone.
I am not doing anything except express an opinion.
I did agree they shouldn't have let that happen oh noes! I have an opinion! And Beverly goes wild and starts putting his words in my mouth. Get a grip Beverly.
Look how easy it is to get your goat and make you go ballistic.
This election must be getting to you.
No worries. It will be over soon. One way or another.
Oh noes!
I been Boazed by Beverly!
Whatever will I do?