re: #3 | Posted by Hughmass at 2025-01-12 06:38 AM
Certainly not a banana republic.
I have asserted for the last year or two we are now a larger version of Hungary: a corrupted Oligarchy where the courts are handpicked, and the judicial system is stacked with loyalists to enact one party's agenda. Trump skirting justice on very open-and-shut cases is a perfect example.
Certainly a counter-argument could be made to the SCOTUS of the 1970s, but their agendas where for the good of the many, not the greed of the few or the backwards-looking social vision of bribe-taking SCOTUS judges.
Everyone was chomping at the bit to go after DeSantis after every hurricane. Problem is, he and his team are really good at disaster management. So, kinda makes that difficult.
#191 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-12 09:58 PM | Reply | Flag: BS LEVEL AT 11