In response to #54 Earthmuse
Earthmuse is one of those morons who prove with every post they have absolutely no understanding of basic economics
Companies don't price their goods or services based on what "they need". They base it on what they can get in the current environment.
I didn't see Mad paise Kroger for this but rather point it it's a economic reality. Earthmuse will have to do some research on that concept because he/she doesn't understand it. at all...
Clearly, it's politically a slippery slope when grocery stores start inflating the costs of milk, eggs, bread, etc...essential items everyone needs. This is in stark contrast to makers of boats, or ATVs or some other non-essential items for people of limited means. (although I saw folks of limited means go buy those items when they were handed stimulus money during the pandemic)
All of the retailers did this. Not just Kroger.
Nobody is saying greed is good...they're saying greed is greed (Again, referencing a movie about Wall Street is funny.....becuase again....Earthmuse didn't understand what Gekko was actually saying)
It's the way it is. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It's not's capitalism. It's being pointed out. That's not the same thing as being defended.
a little closer, LYDsockpuppet...a little closer.
You're almost right up to my ----. Don't cheat yourself.....come find out what I had for lunch.