-Did President Trump help or hurt most Americans with his response to a global pandemic?
I think the behavior on the part of irresponsible Americans, including governors, Mayors, police chiefs, etc.....during the pandemic was going to happen regardless.
Nobody can prove otherwise and I can't prove I'm right.
-Did Trumpy help or hurt most Americans by letting the wealthy pay less in taxes?
nobody can ever demonstrate how that hurts themselves. they pretend they carry the debt but they don't.
Did your income go down? Taxes go up? How were you hurt?
-Did Trumpy help or hurt Americans by trying to undermine Americans access to affordable healthcare in America?
Trying to undermine or actually undermining? Again, how did that hurt YOU?
-Dis Trumpy help or hurt Americans with his choices for the Supreme Court?
That's probably the closest he comes to hurting me or you on that list you provided.
This is just more evidence Americans don't understand economics.
What was reinforced with the American people? What message did most voters accept?
High inflation and corporate profits.
Across the board with all voters.
Some think Trump is a solution for that and Biden is to blame.
Some think it's not Biden's fault and the democratic party is still the best option moving forward.
But "widly successful" is NOT the message that was reinforced and accepted by the American people.
High inflation and corporate profits.
it was written here every single day.....inflation is high...and what was the biggest factor? corporate profits.
And it's as if some here believe corporations only want to profit when a republican is in the white house.