-Well, that really depends on whether or not you believe stuff like the National Endowment for the Arts is fraud, waste, and abuse, doesn't it?
I don't believe you find actual fraud, waste and abuse (let's call it FWA or something) by broadly stating worthy and important organizations such as the National Endowment for the Arts.
It's found inside some of the details of such funding and operational support. It's not possible there is something worth addressing inside all of millions and millions being sent there?
Now, I am as skeptical of this as well. I don't believe that's the real intent here nor do I believe in the willingness of the Trump administration to get into the weeds of each organization's funding and operations to find this FWA.
"Yav,, take one for the team and bang BullJohnson."
Bill is married, isn't he?
Wait ... ... Nevermind.