"Speak up? Protest? Disagree? Rebel?
Should he just be complacent? See what happens?"
No, be a ----- on the internet.
Which is what he's doing.
complacent? that's exactly what he's doing.
Now, I couldn't care less which street corner Zed squats and holds up his sign of disagreement.
I wonder what motivates the votes of member countries. It appears the US has introduced and will again introduce their own resolution (that doesn't condemn Russia) that got more votes in favor and less against than this one.
That means just as many or even more countries were fine with a resolution that didn't condemn Russia.
Why not? Why not insist on condemning Russia? I can't believe all these countries are so wishy washy on it.
Or......what else is impacting that?
-Really sad how the site has promoted racism,
Don't forget homophobia and misogyny