Maybe the Israeli's should have thought of that before they Usurped the lands of others.
Not everyone is the same. Some defeated peoples stop and make nice.
Others... Not so much.
Israel won't last. The human costs aren't worth it anyway.
Why not just have Israel somewhere else? Like the Israeli's insist on for the Palestinians... Just a thought.
Saying that peace is what Israel wants is a Lie. Israel wants to dominate and oppress. They want to steal and kill without consequences.
The Palestinians aren't letting them do that and the rest of the world is getting tired of watching it.
Israel needs to clean up it's act.
Otherwise they have no Future.
Eberly is Elitist to the Core.
What an Insufferable Bore.
Too full of self regard..
He's just another Entitled ------....
Risk Management Professional?
More like an Insurance Salesman..
Speak Plain Eberly.
High Falootin' Airs and Pretentions... Make you look Pompous and Ridiculous.