#32 Fair enough. I'm just tired.
You said Aaron Bushnell was stupid for dying in such a wasteful and horrible way for something he couldn't change and I agree 100%.
America is not United in any way. Half the country wants a Dictator..,the entire political system supports Genocide.. and more importantly puts their Money where their Mouth is.
I feel true Despair at this, not Suicidal or Existential Despair but despair about our entire enterprise as a "democracy"....It's a False Promise.
I respect you because you still believe in that Promise and stood armed and opposed to those who don't. You are a real American.
I know people here think I'm a Russian because of my opinions about Ukraine.
I can't convince people otherwise if they are so certain.
America is supposed to be about the Freedom to Dissent. The freedom to be different ,sexually, politically, socially, spiritually.
Two parties cannot and never will be able to truly represent the diversity of American thought.
Our system is tragically flawed,I see Dictatorship coming,from within.
Russia doesn't need to corrupt our system. It's already fatally flawed.
I will try to get more enthusiastic about Kamala even though I Know she's Lying about Israel and everything else.
You would be Bombing them from above.
The Height makes for a feeling of invincible omnipotence. Especially when Gaza has no air cover or effective defense.
Raped or Bombed they're just as Dead. The rapists at least saw and interacted with the victims.
You just go home after killing hundreds of people and have dinner and screw your wife.
Fuck Off with the moral lectures... Fella.