If it's So Great why do so many people say it's Not?
I think it's about Income Inequality. The people doing Fine say it's Great.
The Hind Titters say it's Not.
There are More of them than the ones doing Well.
That's why Trump could Win.
There is No Representation by either Party for the Poor.
Neither party represents anyone making less an $50,000 dollars a year but the Democratic party does play some lip service to it.
The Repukes just crank up the Racism and start talking about how bad things are because of a social safety net that coddles "criminals".
Neither party Actually represents anyone but the Big Donors.
It started with Bill Clinton. But Trump is using the Disgruntlement to create a coalition.
War of Annihilation. The Chosen have Spoken. Arabs are the Past,the Primitive and Broken.
Israel is a Light of Human Development and Hub of innovative Commerce.
Palestine is Hardscrabble Losers who don't Know When They're Beaten.
They all must Be Purged so The Future can bring the Flower of Civilization to the Holy Land.
Terrorists must be removed and their base of support Annihilated to guarantee the future Prosperity and Development of the Jewish State.
God is on Our Side.....