Does anyone think they really will?
Trump could pardon a serial killer and Congress wouldn't have the votes to impeach and remove him.
By pardoning Eddie Gallagher he pardoned a serial killer in his first term.
Congress didn't do diddly squat.
They won't when he pardons himself and all his accomplices, Either.
Open Corruption is the new normal on both sides of the aisle.
Bill Clinton started the whole thing. The Dems refused to hold him accountable.
Now it's the Norm in Government.
America only exceptional in it's inability to hold it's leaders accountable.
Even Israel locks up criminal leaders,...but not for Genocide. That's OK.
Stealing and Corrupt dealing against other Jews are still Crimes there though.
Crimes against the Chosen still count there as deserving of imprisonment.
Counterrevolution is in Order.
Mainstream Repukes can stop Trump if they want to.
Think Big, his agenda could be stopped in it's Tracks by only a few Republican defectors.
It's a slim chance but better than nothing. Have the Republicans completely become Toads?
That the Question,..Skippy.