White Males are the MOST MISTREATED of all groups.
Total Victims. Totally Not Getting any Traction in our Society as A Group.
They need Massive Reparations for the Good of Themselves and Humanity.
Anything less than total devotion to this is a sign of deep and unrepentant Bigotry of the Absolutely Worst Sort.
Send donations to Donald Trump... care of, Aid for White Men.
All Donations are guaranteed to reach a "Truly Exploited"" White Male Victim.
Don't pay your bills... Help the Oligarchs, they're Suffering and in Need.
They Need It more than You.
The bum was the ignition source.
The warming and drying conditions caused by climate change caused the fire to become unmanageable and engulf populated areas.
Fuel build up was caused by decades of fire suppression in a pyrocentric ecosystem that requires frequent fires.
The causes are multiple and some are manageable with proper planning.