Trump has captured the Congress, at least the Republican half.
Turncoats like the New Sinema, John Fetterman, will make it easier for Trump to dominate the Legislative process.
Congress won't stop Trump. They might hinder him somewhat.
The Courts may also blunt his excesses.
At least I hope so.
Trump is a Unique danger on many levels.
Anything that Increases his Credibility is to be Prevented if possible.
The Democratic Leadership should have completely Boycotted his Inauguration.
Michelle Obama had it Right.
Seeing all those Democrats up there made me sad.
Seeing the Oligarchs made me Mad...
WAR.. Trump will start Wars.
He's obsessed with being, the Bestest President Ever.
That means being a Wartime President.
Besides, he's kinda Vicious in general. War will hone and develop that.
He will get Chubby's for the first time in years.
Interesting Times.
I know why the Chinese consider that a Curse.