Israel is a nation state. Hamas Is the leadership of a tiny enclave similar to the Warsaw Ghetto. Israel has an Air Force, Nukes, a Standing Army equipped with modern weapons provided by the US and other great Nations.
Hamas has no Air Force, No Nukes, No Conscript Army.
All Hamas has is Stubborn resistance and the will to take the r
Fight to the Enemy No matter the cost.
As an Assymetric Foe they are not too shabby.
Israel is losing the war of Credibility Internationally. As they should.
The West is just trying to keep their Colony expanding.
The Palestinians want
Equality. Not handouts.
Israel would never allow a viable Palestinian State beside them.
To be viable a Palestinian state would need a fully equipped and capable military establishment able to Repel Israeli Aggression.
No Way in Hell the US or Israel would Ever allow That.
So. Best Case all the Palestinians have to look forward to is slow Strangulation and Apartheid interspersed with periodic Pogroms and Massacres by Rabid "Settlers".
They chose to Resist. And now Israel is using their resistance as an Excuse to Massacre and Expell them All.
In the balance, Israel is the Aggressor.
They just whine about being "Victims".
Nothing New about That. Lol.
It's been So since 1787.
America never Honors it's Treaty obligations. Indian Wars. The Philippines. Central America. So many times it's Almost every time eventually.
I've been saying the Ukrainians were Going to Get ------ for 3 Years.
Sadly I'm Right again.
Ukraine should have looked at Yugoslavia. Or Libya. That's what NATO Does to ---------.
America is Not Agreement Capable.