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Thursday, July 04, 2024

The leader of conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation argued the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity will reinforce a "second American Revolution," which he said would "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." read more

The largest donor of the 2024 presidential campaign, by far, is Timothy Mellon, the reclusive billionaire and heir to the Mellon banking fortune. read more

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Judd Legum: On Monday, six members of the Supreme Court granted Donald Trump--and every future president--broad criminal immunity. read more


My now deceased friend said the same thing about Nazi Germany:

Shouan Zhoobin Riahi
One thing that my parents, who lived through the collapse of the Shah's regime, always told me is that they were surprised with the speed and ferocity with which it happened. Things that seemed impossible one day were simply happening the next.


Wake up, America. Project 2025 is not a 5 year plan, or even a one year plan. It is a 180 day plan. Very, very quickly the administrative state as we have come to know it will be deconstructed, and things that are unthinkable now will be happening on a daily basis under the auspices of a corrupt president and with the blessings of a corrupt Supreme Court and a corrupt Congress should Republicans keep the House and take back the Senate:

The Authoritarian Playbook for 2025

How an authoritarian president will dismantle our democracy and what we can do to protect it

This report addresses the following topics on which he has made explicit promises and about which his allies have developed specific plans for federal government action:

Pardons to License Lawbreaking: During Trump's first term, he discovered that he could leverage the pardon power to induce witnesses against him into silence. In a second term, he has indicated he would further abuse pardons to incite political violence, incentivize lawbreaking for his benefit, and render himself above the law.

Directing Investigations Against Critics and Rivals: Retribution is the dominant theme of Trump's 2024 campaign, and his allies are making plans to eliminate the Department of Justice's traditional prosecutorial independence to give Trump greater personal control to direct law enforcement against his perceived opponents and insulate himself from accountability.

Regulatory Retaliation: In addition to steering prosecutorial discretion via the Department of Justice, Trump has vowed to consolidate and wield federal regulatory power to reward political loyalty and punish his critics, particularly those associated with the media. There are numerous reports of this regulatory retaliation happening during Trump's first term, and plans for a second include ways of removing those obstacles that limited opportunities for more.

Federal Law Enforcement Overreach: Trump's declaration that immigration is "poisoning the blood of our country" is a grim foreshadowing of how he will invoke the Alien Enemies Act, a wartime provision dating back to 1798. Once Trump has that power, he has also expressed his will to expand the footprint of federal law enforcement to police cities and shut down lawful protests.

Domestic Deployment of the Military: A central hallmark of American democracy is that the U.S. military not be used against American citizens. But Trump plans to abuse the Insurrection Act to order military force to quash dissent and target vulnerable communities.


If you don't see how recent Supreme Court rulings have been paving the way for a second Trump presidency to carry out Project 2025, then you haven't been paying attention.


Mellon was already the largest donor after donating $25 million each to the Super PACs supporting the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump (MAGA Inc.) and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (American Values 2024). Then, Mellon donated another $50 million to MAGA Inc. on May 31, the day after Trump was convicted of committing 34 felonies.

Despite his political spending, little is known about Mellon. The most detailed account of Mellon's views comes from his self-published 2015 autobiography. "This book was not ghost-written: every single word is my own," Mellon said in a press release announcing its publication.

According to a 2020 article published in the Washington Post, Mellon writes that Black people have become "even more belligerent and unwilling to pitch in to improve their own situations" after social safety net programs were expanded in the 1960s and 1970s. Mellon writes that they are now "slaves of a new Master, Uncle Sam."

Mellon also derided programs intended to lift people out of poverty as "Slavery Redux." Mellon claimed that in exchange for "delivering their votes in the Federal Elections, they are awarded with yet more and more freebies: food stamps, cell phones, WIC payments, Obamacare, and on, and on, and on." According to Mellon, who inherited his fortune, "[t]he largess is funded by the hardworking folks, fewer and fewer in number, who are too honest or too proud to allow themselves to sink into this morass."

Mellon also blasted universities for offering college students the opportunity to learn about the history of Black people, women, and the LGBTQ community. "Black Studies, Women's Studies, LGBT Studies, they have all cluttered Higher Education with a mishmash of meaningless tripe designed to brainwash gullible young adults into going along with the Dependency Syndrome," Mellon wrote.

Donald Trump's alleged sexual proclivities' graphically detailed in new Epstein documents

The new papers contain incendiary claims' about the former president

Trump forced 12 year olds to perform lesbian sex acts for him.

That seems important.

All the assault allegations against Donald Trump, recapped

IF you think the Supreme Court won't rule in a way that screws Democrats when the case(s) end up on their doorstep, you are nuts:

Heritage Foundation working on election legal challenges in case Biden pulled from DNC nomination

At least three swing states " Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin " could restrict Biden's removal from the ballot

Fred Wellman

I've seen a lot of people telling me that this story means they think Biden is weak so they want him in the election. No...you're missing the goal here. What they are doing is declaring how they will conduct a coordinated lawfare campaign to screw the Democratic nominee.

First it will be this lawsuit. In close order various Republican AG's will sue the DNC on behalf of their citizens "who voted in good faith in the Primary for Joe Biden." Then they will launch coordinated campaigns to split the Democratic coalition. "See how they are treating Kamala?" "Why didn't they think California's governor leading the 3rd largest economy in the world should be nominee." it will be relentless and targeted to get people to stay home. Millions of dark money will go to third party candidates. Suddenly RFK Jr. will miraculously have the resources to get on every ballot...on and on and on.

They don't care who is on the ballot. They want us to spend time, money, and anger on each other and on defense so Trump simply strolls into the White House with 45% of the vote.

The Biden campaign needs to stop nevel gazing and get back in the fight. We all need to stop eating each other alive and remember the real enemy to our democracy is the one's cheering this on in Florida.

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