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Friday, July 26, 2024

Heritage Foundation leader has long received spiritual guidance from group and his policy goals align with its teachings

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

This spring, HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement access to medical records tied to reproductive health. read more

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris has ignited a fervent movement to empower and mobilize the next generation of voters nationwide.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Donald Trump is scrambling to pivot his campaign against Kamala Harris, with attack ads hitting her current record in office and her past in California, according to two sources familiar with the matter, after Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 race on Sunday. read more

Josh Marshall: As I've noted, Pennsylvania State Police initially told reporters on the scene that Trump had been struck by shards of glass. Then Trump himself said he'd been hit with a bullet and that was the end of the matter. There's small detail from a local news report from last Sunday that suggests it as at least plausible that the initial report was correct, that Trump was struck by some flying debris. read more


And here's another recent article that concentrates on her foreign policy experience:

Kamala Harris would bring greater foreign policy experience than most new US presidents

A few things are certain: Harris represents significant generational change. She embraces the globalized outlook one might expect of a daughter of immigrants who spent part of her childhood in Canada. She will take office with a seasoned team around her. And other than Biden, Americans must go all the way back to George H.W. Bush in 1989 to find a president who would take office with more foreign affairs experience than her.

Vice presidential accomplishments

Other engagements were the diplomacy that consumes senior officials' calendars--trips to Mexico and Central America as part of her migration agenda, and a three-country trip to Africa fulfilling a White House pledge.

Attending a meeting is not, of course, the same as being the final decider on US foreign policy. But that experience--and the hours of meetings and study that go with it--sets Harris apart from the new presidents of the last three-plus decades.

Donald Trump had never represented his country to a foreign government before being elected. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush led international trade missions as governors. Barack Obama, like Harris, travelled occasionally during his four years in the Senate. But one would have to go all the way back to George H.W. Bush, who served as vice president, CIA director and a member of Congress, to find a president before Biden who began their first term with more experience than Harris.

Harris has a stable and well-respected foreign policy team in her role as vice president. Her national security adviser, Phil Gordon, and his deputy, Rebecca Lissner, are both experienced Washington hands who served in previous administrations. Both have published books that suggest a subtle shift away from an America that leads the world aggressively and alone.


F.B.I. Examining Bullet Fragments Found at Trump Rally Site

The F.B.I. is examining numerous metal fragments found near the stage at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., to determine whether an assassin's bullet--or potential debris--grazed former President Donald J. Trump's head, bloodying his ear, according to the F.B.I. and a federal law enforcement official.. . .

It is not unusual for the type of bullet that Mr. Crooks fired from his AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle to tumble end over end and break apart after hitting even a small solid object. Gun experts say a fragment might, for instance, have hit a metal stanchion.

Still, a bullet could have grazed Mr. Trump's ear, and the F.B.I. has not ruled that out. Investigators found eight rifle casings on the roof where the shooter was positioned.

It is not clear if investigators have eliminated other potential sources of debris. But bureau analysts appear to be focused on metal fragments, as opposed to glass from the teleprompters onstage. Photos of the teleprompters next to Mr. Trump show they were intact after the bullets were fired. . . .

Gun experts said the F.B.I. could rely on trajectory analysis, a physical examination of any linked bullet and the president's wound to possibly figure out what happened. A detailed analysis of bullet trajectories, footage, photos and audio by The New York Times strongly suggests Mr. Trump was grazed by the first of eight bullets fired by Mr. Crooks. . . .

One other scenario investigators are likely to explore: that the bullet, deadly but friable, might have fragmented after skimming Mr. Trump's ear.

"The problem you have with a bullet traveling at 3,200 feet per second is that it fragments very easily when it hits a surface before the target," Mr. Harrigan said. "It's going to be tough with the fragmentation to definitely say what happened. "


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