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Monday, July 08, 2024

Jennifer Schulze: What's happened to journalism since the last debate is entirely out of proportion and not in keeping with the responsibilities of a free press. "Feeding frenzy" doesn't even come close to describing the news media coverage about Joe Biden's debate performance. read more

Sunday, July 07, 2024

ASHA RANGAPPA: How the Supreme Court pulled a Jedi mind trick to elect and protect Trump.

Stonekettle Station: We're barely four months and some change away from the most important election of your lifetime. And you want to dump the one guy who has managed to win every single election he's ever been in, and who beat Trump last time around? ... I don't think I'm out of line here asking to see what you plan to do after that. read more

Friday, July 05, 2024

Kevin Roberts took over the presidency of the Heritage Foundation in 2021, and he shifted it from a conservative think tank to an organization devoted to "institutionalizing Trumpism." read more

Thursday, July 04, 2024

The leader of conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation argued the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity will reinforce a "second American Revolution," which he said would "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be." read more


Look, I get it. After PNAC....but that was written and signed by the biggest power players on the right.
If you can show me where Project 2025 is getting even remotely the same kind of traction, I'll pay attention.

Here is some of Axios original reporting from April 2022 on the topic:

A radical plan for Trump's second term

No operation of this scale is possible without the machinery to implement it. To that end, Trump has blessed a string of conservative organizations linked to advisers he currently trusts and calls on. Most of these conservative groups host senior figures from the Trump administration on their payroll, including former chief of staff Mark Meadows.

The names are a mix of familiar and new. They include Jeffrey Clark, the controversial lawyer Trump had wanted to install as attorney general in the end days of his presidency. Clark, who advocated a plan to contest the 2020 election results, is now in the crosshairs of the Jan. 6 committee and the FBI. Clark is working at the Center for Renewing America (CRA), the group founded by Russ Vought, the former head of Trump's Office of Management and Budget.

Former Trump administration and transition officials working on personnel, legal or policy projects for a potential 2025 government include names like Vought, Meadows, Stephen Miller, Ed Corrigan, Wesley Denton, Brooke Rollins, James Sherk, Andrew Kloster and Troup Hemenway.

Others, who remain close to Trump and would be in contention for the most senior roles in a second-term administration, include Dan Scavino, John McEntee, Richard Grenell, Kash Patel, Robert O'Brien, David Bernhardt, John Ratcliffe, Peter Navarro and Pam Bondi.

The advocacy groups who have effectively become extensions of the Trump infrastructure include the CRA, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), and the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI).

Other groups--while not formally connected to Trump's operation--have hired key lieutenants and are effectively serving his ends. The Heritage Foundation, the legacy conservative group, has moved closer to Trump under its new president, Kevin Roberts, and is building links to other parts of the "America First" movement.


You can pretend Project 2025 isn't real, but you'll just be fooling yourself, not the rest of us.

but what kind of backing is it getting?

You can go here for a list of groups who have contributed to the project:

The Project 2025 Advisory Board (page xi)

Authors (page xv)

According to the introduction:

Project 2025 is more than 50 (and growing) of the nation's leading conservative organizations joining forces to prepare and seize the day.

The thing is though that the Courts are part of something way bigger than -------. ------- is only a useful idiot tool for the conservative revolution. He will enable all sorts of fringe conservative policies and theories to be implemented-essentially destroying every liberal/progressive policy passed in the past 100 years. Because ------- has no core values, he will unleash untold disruption and destruction in our society the limits of which cannot be imagined. Project 2025 is a blueprint for the beginning of this revolution-it is what it enables and the court enables that will transform society. The implications of this year's court cases are HUGE.

Yes, I agree with all of this. Conservatives like Leonard Leo and the Heritage Foundation are using Trump, and Trump is using them. Trump broke down norms with regard to politics and the presidency. The Supreme Court has broken down the norms of established law. Trump's goal is to stay in power as long as possible and to appoint his successor, preferably from his own family. Their goal is to remake America in their image, which is basically Christian nationalism, and to retain conservative power by whatever means necessary, which basically means faux democracy aka fascism in the style of Orban's Hungary. The Republican party is now corrupt and complicit from top to bottom, and the planning for their bloodless coup is very well thought out and very far advanced. Many, including some on the Supreme Court, supported Trump's attempted coup in 2021. Yes, we need to elect a Democratic president in November, but that won't be enough. We also need to elect a Democratic House and Senate as well as state governorships and legislatures. But even that won't be enough. Once elected Democrats will have to take actions that will reign in the Supreme Court. They need to establish ethical guidelines and term limits for the Court. They also need to figure out how to expand it.

That doctor treats more than Parkinson's and according to his last physical he doesn't have it. What he does have is arthritis in his back and neuropathy in his feet, which makes walking painful and his gait stiff:


Is there a reason why people chasing NYPost's story about Kevin Cannard visiting the White House aren't mentioning the reference in Biden's physical to Dr. O'Connor adding a movement disorder neurologic specialist to track his gait problem in Nov 2021?

So starting in 2021, we should expect regular visits from someone JUST LIKE CANNARD (Cannard starts showing up a year later), AND ALSO a more substantive visit in January, for a full workup on Parkinsons and other diseases.

Note: One reason this happened is bc people who aren't really good at understanding how NYPost propaganda works, never questioned one of their assertions--that Cannard must be exclusively a Parkinsons doctor.


His physician gave him a clean bill of health, but noted Biden continues to have stiffness in his walk from a combination of arthritis in his back, neuropathy in his feet and the long-term effects of breaking his foot in November 2020 while playing with his former dog Major.


O'Connor's report said that Biden's stiff walking was no worse than last year and was the result of arthritic changes in his spine. He said the president also noted "some increased left hip discomfort." There were no signs of stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's or other similar conditions in what the report called an "extremely detailed neurologic exam."


"They would NOT have handed any president this power if they didn't know for a fact it would be handed to a Republican. Keep in mind three justices were appointed by ------- and 2 of the other 3 are insurrectionist/sympathizers."

As Rangappa explains, that's part of the Court's jedi mind trick. They have set themselves up as the final arbitators in these cases, on a case by case basis, which means if Biden (or some other Democrat) becomes president they will reign them in, but if Trump (or some other Republican) becomes president, they won't:

[T]he Court explicitly states that "In dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the President's motives."

This is an astonishing statement, because it effectively means that it does not matter if a President uses the official levers of power with corrupt intent, for personal gain, or as retribution. In other words, the Court engages a sleight of hand where a critical distinction between lawful and unlawful conduct--the heart of criminal law, which rests on whether a person acted with a specific state of mind, or mens rea--ceases to exist when it comes to the President. Once this distinction is erased, the office of the presidency is basically a get out of jail free card, enabling the President to do pretty much anything that could plausibly be characterized as "official."

In other words, the Court has created immunity for the one category of actions where it actually matters-- unlawful official acts--everything else that is left either would have never been prosecuted anyway or was always fair game.

Further, the determination of whether an action is official if left in the hands of the courts. But conveniently, the Court has offered lower courts so little guidance on how to apply its little rubric that it has ensured that the majority will be the final umpire on this question. It's hard not to imagine that the lines will be drawn depending on which party occupies the Oval Office.

I'm voting mostly for the platform. Doesn't much matter who the candidate is.

Agreed. "But his debate stumbles" are the new "but her emails", and as this poster predicts "but her covering for Biden" or something else will be the hit on Harris if she replaces him:

This election is not a choice between two individuals, it's a choice between worldviews, between futures. Do we want to continue down the path to multiethnic democracy or do we want to impose a white patriarchal Christian autocracy?

At stake is the entire federal civil service. The machinery of state built since WWII. Freedom & dignity for millions. Yes, democracy itself. That's not an exaggeration. Yet this country's elites have utterly failed to convey those stakes to the populace. A *grotesque* failure.

You can not look at this extraordinary media freakout this last week and not psychologize, not see all kinds of displacement. They can't or won't be serious about Trump & so they are ------- *giddy* at having permission to scold Dems again. Their safe place.

Anyway, my point is just: none of this will change if Harris replaces Biden at the top of the ticket. The idea that the media -- with these soulless careerist court gossips in charge -- will allow it is just fantasy. They *need* Dems in disarray & so they will engineer it.

The US is right on the precipice of falling into bona fide fascism & *the vast majority of the voting public doesn't even know it*. That speaks to a deeply diseased information environment. Until Dems do something about that, all their self-flagellation will buy them nothing.


This is a good site to begin to understand the aims and scope of Project 2025:


If you don't have the time and/or the desire to read the nearly 900 page Project 2025 handbook (who does?), this site breaks down the contents of that document into helpful chunks/summaries. For example:

What is Project 2025

Key Proposals
Summary & Chapter Breakdown
Unpacking the Propaganda
Advisory Board


A friend texted this article to me tonight, and I decided to post it because it reminded me a a Twitter thread I read earlier tonight and amplified on it.


You all love military metaphors. Military terminology.

This is war! you shout. We're in this fight to the end! We're ready for battle!

I've been to war. Couple times now. War was my profession, most of my life. I don't recommend it, but it worked for me. I know something about it.

This is the Twitter thread I read earlier:

Dave Troy
1/In pilot training, you learn how to recover from a stall-spin, a dangerous condition where you're rotating, nose-down, and losing altitude fast. The natural instinct is to whip the control yoke hard in the direction opposite the spin. But that's bad, and will kill you...

2/because you can't regain airflow over your wings and regain lift. Gravity takes over, and then you die. If you want to live, you have to overcome that instinct and use the rudder to stop rotating, regain lift, and regain altitude. It's hard to do--because instincts.

3/Today, we see a chorus of people absolutely out of their minds, with no deep understanding of contemporary political dynamics, insisting at the top of their lungs to follow the worst instincts possible. It's shameful, embarrassing, unhelpful--and deadly. It needs to stop.

4/Some in the chorus are just stupid. Some mean well but are not well-informed. Some are downright evil. Either way, it all ends in the same way: in a smoking hole with a lot of dead passengers. Unless the pilots take control and shut the lot of you up, we're all doomed.

5/Without cooler heads taking control, we are going to lose the country. As both a pilot and as someone who has studied our political dynamics in a cross-disciplinary way more than most people, the lack of self-control here is alarming. Instincts, unchecked, will kill us all.

6/So on this 4th of July, I implore those calling for Drastic Actions to shut up and think hard about they are doing, who it benefits, and the distinct possibility that not only are they wrong, they are going to cause a deadly disaster. Stop now. For America.


There is no magic bullet.
There never was.
And some of the guard rails we trusted in are gone.
Don't expect the rule of law to help us now.
We are one Trump administration and 3 SC justices passed that now.
So what's the plan?

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