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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The post-Chevron world is here. It's been barely a week since conservatives on the US Supreme Court radically upended the balance of power between the branches of government, giving the federal courts the exclusive power to interpret statutes rather than deferring to agency experts. And we're already seeing impacts on the ground. read more

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Brian Tyler Cohen: Even for Trump, someone who lies easily and without remorse, the suggestion that he has "no idea who is behind" Project 2025 is laughably false. read more

Donald Trump says that if he returns to the White House in 2025, he will have the power to effectively cancel any federal program--or even an entire agency--by refusing to spend money appropriated by Congress.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Jennifer Schulze: What's happened to journalism since the last debate is entirely out of proportion and not in keeping with the responsibilities of a free press. "Feeding frenzy" doesn't even come close to describing the news media coverage about Joe Biden's debate performance. read more

Sunday, July 07, 2024

ASHA RANGAPPA: How the Supreme Court pulled a Jedi mind trick to elect and protect Trump.


There is also this:

Harris Meyer

Trump wants and assumes Biden is his opponent. He tells friends Biden's debate performance and age are gifts from the political gods. No longer is he seen as the old, selfish guy in it for his own vainglory and personal power, friends joke.

Behind the Curtain: Trump's new 2024 plan

I doubt Biden is senile, AOC and Bernie are still supporting him afterall, but perception is reality and the reality is that Biden's debate performance reinforce the fears that he is too old in the minds of many voters.

Ryan Grim
Bernie Sanders on Biden on Capitol Hill: "You heard him last night, he was not incoherent. Apparently this morning he was not incoherent. But you might want to rephrase [the question] and say a president who has maybe done more for the working class in the last four years than any president in modern history.

It's important to pay attention to the individual cognitive capabilities and so forth. What is most important is what the candidate stands for and what the candidate will do for you and the life of your family. And I think anyone who compares Biden to Trump, and their records, and their vision for the future" would support Biden.

Aaron Rupar
Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One. He can't. What we have got to focus on is policy."

Here's what I think is going on:

Donations from big donors have dried up:

'It's already disastrous': Biden campaign fundraising takes a major hit
Sources close to the re-election efforts say fundraising is set to drop possibly by half this month. A campaign spokesperson pushed back, saying "grassroots" dollars were strong.

Polling is not looking good in places Democrats need to win:

"Trump is an existential threat to American democracy; it is our duty to put forward the strongest candidate against him," Rep. Pat Ryan, D-N.Y., who won an upstate New York swing district in a high-profile special election, said on X. "Joe Biden is a patriot but is no longer the best candidate to defeat Trump. For the good of our country, I am asking Joe Biden to step aside."

Ryan was the only swing-state Democrat in New York to survive the election in 2022, when several of his colleagues lost, so his political instincts carry weight with Washington Democrats.

Another battleground lawmaker, Rep. Mikie Sherrill, D-N.J., issued her own statement calling on Biden to step aside and telling reporters that while the party is divided about him, it is "unanimous in our desire to beat Trump."


Shane Goldmacher
The NY LG calls for Biden to leave the race: "He can add to his legacy, showing his strength and grace, by ending his campaign"

Notably, Delgado is a former House member who won a swing seat.

Jacqueline Sweet
Looks like NY reps are possibly seeing some concerning internal polling in swing districts. I've heard about it from NYS dem insiders, and so did POLITICO per today's story about Biden support wavering in NY. But I'm hearing about much worse internal polling in upstate NY suburban 2020 Biden + swing districts (w/ R reps) than mentioned here.

Also, worth noting when Suozzi campaigned in swing district NY-03 special election earlier this year he deliberately and almost completely distanced himself from Biden.

When I see Ryan (NY 18) and Delgado, whose district used to be NY 19 before he became Lt Gov, both calling for Biden to step aside, I believe the stories about internal polling mentioned above is accurate.

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.

Jonathan Lemire
NEW: President Biden's team thought they had quelled the Democratic rebellion

But party anxieties re-emerged with new calls for him to drop out

And one of the party's most important voices - Nancy Pelosi - deliberately left the door open to replace him

Edward-Isaac Dovere
To more than a few leading Dems, it's become CW the floodgates will open against Biden when the NATO summit is done Thurs. Some are all but rooting for a big mess up at the press conference to make it easier to ditch him.

There's no sign Biden is thinking in those terms at all.

SCOOP: Chuck Schumer is privately signaling to donors that he's open to a Democratic presidential ticket that isn't led by Biden.

He has been listening to donors' ideas and suggestions about the best way forward for the party.

Jake Sherman
Longtime @repblumenauer calls on Biden to drop. Just a steady drumbeat of House Dems saying they want their nominee out of the race.

For those of you who can't read Twitter:

To be clear, Michigan wouldn't even be the worst of the problems. Our statute requires that a major party's Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates be certified to the State within one business day of that party's national or state convention, whichever is later.

The Democrats are holding their National Convention from August 19-22 and their Michigan State Convention on August 24th. The deadline is therefore August 26th.

Ballots to Military and Overseas voters must go out by September 21st, 2024 and AV Ballots must be available to Michigan Voters by September 26th, 2024 by law.

However, as I stated, this is for Michigan only. Every state has different statutory deadlines for ballot access and for Absentee Ballots to go out, and it is therefore dependent on identifying those dates and requirements 50 times.

My cursory understanding of other states is that that deadline may already have passed for some states, or may be in the VERY near future.

It is worth pointing out that even if Democrats follow the strictures of the law state-by-state, you would almost assuredly see lawsuits flying fast and often in any number of states, if they attempt to make a change.

Such lawsuits threaten to delay and derail County and Local Clerks' efforts to program the election and prepare ballots, respectively. Essentially, efforts to prepare for the election would have to be put on hold.

That's not a good thing in Election world.

After the ballot is created, the election equipment must be tested. This is often a lengthy process that includes testing at the County prior to election materials being distributed to local Clerks, then the local clerks do internal testing and finally Public Accuracy Testing.

Delays at any point in the process may impact local clerks' ability to meet their statutory deadlines.

So Democrats need to understand the ramifications of the actions that some are talking about. This may extend far beyond the choice for President and put a cloud over the election.

It would also give ammunition to a candidate who hasn't been shy about spreading disinformation about the validity of election results and give the opportunity to further erode the public's trust in our elections process. And I will not stand for that.

Any questions? (emphasis mine):

The co-editors of Project 2025, Paul Dans and Steven Groves, both held high-ranking positions in the Trump administration. Under Trump, Dans served as Chief of Staff at the Office of Personnel Management, the agency responsible for staffing the federal government, and was a senior advisor at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Groves served Trump in the White House as Deputy Press Secretary and Assistant Special Counsel.

Project 2025's two associate directors, Spencer Chretien and Troup Hemenway, are also tightly connected with Trump. Chretien was Special Assistant to President Donald J. Trump and Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, "helping to identify, recruit, and place hundreds of political appointees at all levels of government." Previously, Trump appointed Chretien to a position at HUD. Hemenway also served as an Associate Director of Presidential Personnel and previously worked on Trump's 2016 campaign and Trump's 2016 transition team.

Project 2025's 922-page policy agenda has 30 chapters and 34 authors. Twenty-five of Project 2025's authors served as members of the Trump administration. Another Project 2025 author, Stephen Moore, was nominated by Trump to the Federal Reserve but forced to withdraw "over his past inflammatory writings about women." Further, William Walton, the co-author of the chapter on the Department of the Treasury, was a key member of Trump's transition team.

All told, of the 38 people responsible for writing and editing Project 2025, 31 were appointed or nominated to positions in the Trump administration and transition. In other words, while Trump claims he has "nothing to do" with the people who created Project 2025, over 81% had formal roles in his first administration.


Here are some connections between Trump's proposed policies and the policies proposed by Project 2025 along with detailed plans on how to execute them:

(I)n reality, Trump and Project 2025 share the same vision for where the US should go in a conservative presidency. His platform, dubbed Agenda 47, overlaps with Project 2025 on most major policy issues. Project 2025 often includes more details on how some key conservative goals could be carried out, offering the meat for Trumpian policy ideas often delivered as soundbites.

As the Guardian has reported, Project 2025 wants to gut civil service, putting far more roles in federal government in the hands of a president as political appointees, which would erode checks and balances. Trump, for his part, tried to do the same in 2020 shortly before losing the election, an idea known as "Schedule F".

Project 2025 proposes mass deportations of more than 11 million undocumented immigrants and stringent rules on migrants. So does Trump, and so does the Republican National Committee's platform.

Trump wants to get rid of the federal education department, as does Project 2025, echoing a long-held policy wish on the right. The project details how this could happen and other ways to give states more control over education, at the potential expense of students. Both Trump and the project share goals of limiting LGBTQ+ rights and diversity initiatives in schools.

Trump often rails against cities run by Democrats, especially Washington DC, and talks about ways to crack down on them, renewing the idea he attempted in his first term to withhold federal funds as a way to enforce immigration policies. Project 2025 has some ideas on how he could do that more forcefully next time.

Look, I get it. After PNAC....but that was written and signed by the biggest power players on the right.
If you can show me where Project 2025 is getting even remotely the same kind of traction, I'll pay attention.

Here is some of Axios original reporting from April 2022 on the topic:

A radical plan for Trump's second term

No operation of this scale is possible without the machinery to implement it. To that end, Trump has blessed a string of conservative organizations linked to advisers he currently trusts and calls on. Most of these conservative groups host senior figures from the Trump administration on their payroll, including former chief of staff Mark Meadows.

The names are a mix of familiar and new. They include Jeffrey Clark, the controversial lawyer Trump had wanted to install as attorney general in the end days of his presidency. Clark, who advocated a plan to contest the 2020 election results, is now in the crosshairs of the Jan. 6 committee and the FBI. Clark is working at the Center for Renewing America (CRA), the group founded by Russ Vought, the former head of Trump's Office of Management and Budget.

Former Trump administration and transition officials working on personnel, legal or policy projects for a potential 2025 government include names like Vought, Meadows, Stephen Miller, Ed Corrigan, Wesley Denton, Brooke Rollins, James Sherk, Andrew Kloster and Troup Hemenway.

Others, who remain close to Trump and would be in contention for the most senior roles in a second-term administration, include Dan Scavino, John McEntee, Richard Grenell, Kash Patel, Robert O'Brien, David Bernhardt, John Ratcliffe, Peter Navarro and Pam Bondi.

The advocacy groups who have effectively become extensions of the Trump infrastructure include the CRA, the America First Policy Institute (AFPI), and the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI).

Other groups--while not formally connected to Trump's operation--have hired key lieutenants and are effectively serving his ends. The Heritage Foundation, the legacy conservative group, has moved closer to Trump under its new president, Kevin Roberts, and is building links to other parts of the "America First" movement.


You can pretend Project 2025 isn't real, but you'll just be fooling yourself, not the rest of us.

but what kind of backing is it getting?

You can go here for a list of groups who have contributed to the project:

The Project 2025 Advisory Board (page xi)

Authors (page xv)

According to the introduction:

Project 2025 is more than 50 (and growing) of the nation's leading conservative organizations joining forces to prepare and seize the day.

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