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Monday, July 15, 2024

Timothy Snyder: We might be tempted to think that violence against one side must come from the other side. But the bloody genie, once unleashed, often stays close to home. Those who have made violence normal are especially vulnerable, because they will always have colleagues or followers who think they have not gone far enough.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

In black-is-white fashion, MAGA rushes to blame Biden and Democrats for political violence. read more

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Bernie Sanders: I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected. Why? Despite my disagreements with him on particular issues, he has been the most effective president in the modern history of our country ... read more

A new Marist poll takes the novel step of asking registered voters which is more off-putting in an occupant of the Oval Office: dishonesty or excessive age. The results are surprising, and along with other polling along these lines, it should influence how Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's relative qualifications for the presidency are covered from here on out. read more

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Barb Byrum: Hi there! Ingham County [MI] Clerk Barb Byrum, here. To all of those calling for a change of candidacy in the Presidential Race, please note that the election administration community is going to have some serious issues with that.


"More than 11,000. That's how many White House documents the government has recovered in total from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate alone, more than 100 of which have classified markings."

Well, that was just the first round from MAL. The total is much higher:

Roughly 300 documents with classification markings--including some at the top secret level " have been recovered from Trump since he left office in January 2021.


No way Trump had the contents of 300 classified documents memorized as Miranda suggested:

"He was the President when they were packed up, He knew the secrets that were in them, like... in his head, and he could have just made copies and turned them in. What do you think he intended to do with them? If he wanted to sell secrets he would not have needed the original papers."

PS Who the hell would take Trump's word on classified info without documentation? MAGA voters, sure, but no one else with half a brain.

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