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Monday, July 22, 2024

Donald Trump is scrambling to pivot his campaign against Kamala Harris, with attack ads hitting her current record in office and her past in California, according to two sources familiar with the matter, after Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 race on Sunday. read more

Josh Marshall: As I've noted, Pennsylvania State Police initially told reporters on the scene that Trump had been struck by shards of glass. Then Trump himself said he'd been hit with a bullet and that was the end of the matter. There's small detail from a local news report from last Sunday that suggests it as at least plausible that the initial report was correct, that Trump was struck by some flying debris. read more

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bernie Sanders: What the media should be doing, in my view, is focusing on the contrast between Joe Biden, what his record is and what his vision is for the future, not just what happened in a debate. And if you want to talk about cognitive capabilities and you want to talk about things that people say, take a hard look at Donald Trump as well. read more

Friday, July 19, 2024

In the immediate aftermath of the failed assassination attempt, Trump announced he was tearing up and rewriting his speech. Reporters breathlessly declared a new speech would herald the arrival of a new man altogether. "Republicans who have observed and spoken with former President Donald Trump say they have detected a new softness to the man," reported Politico, hilariously.

Will Bunch: I came to the American heartland to cover a political convention, but all I found was a tent revival, Brother Trump's Traveling Salvation Show. read more


Only racists, misogynists and old white people actually want Trump.
You under estimate how many of those live in this country.
You don't have to be a racist, sexist, rapist or pedophile to vote for Trump. But you have to be okay with racism, sexism, rape and pedophiles to do so.

Someone asked me the other day how can so many of my family members support Trump? Don't they know he's crazy? It's not that they are racists or misogynists. They aren't. It's not that they are okay with racism, sexism, rape and pedophiles. They aren't. They are low information voters. Not poorly educated people but low information voters. Their lives are basically all about family, community and working hard. A number of them work 6 days a week. The ones that don't still work long hours, sometimes at more than one job. They don't have the time or the inclination to follow politics very closely, and when they do they are likely to be in an information silo that doesn't tell them Trump is a rapist but tells them just the opposite, in fact. And I would point out that my mother, who is the oldest white woman in my family, never voted for Trump. She was going a little woobly on Biden after his debate perfomance, and recently said she wouldn't vote for Trump but might not vote for Biden either and just leave that category blank. I'll be interested to see what she says about Harris in the coming days. I'll also be interested to see where my brother lands. He voted for Trump, then Biden and was undecided this time around. My one sister never voted for Trump, but she did split her ticket and voted for Biden and Lindsey Graham in 2020. N-o-o-o. Yes.

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