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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

This spring, HHS finalized new regulations under HIPAA to limit law enforcement access to medical records tied to reproductive health. read more

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris has ignited a fervent movement to empower and mobilize the next generation of voters nationwide.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Donald Trump is scrambling to pivot his campaign against Kamala Harris, with attack ads hitting her current record in office and her past in California, according to two sources familiar with the matter, after Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 race on Sunday. read more

Josh Marshall: As I've noted, Pennsylvania State Police initially told reporters on the scene that Trump had been struck by shards of glass. Then Trump himself said he'd been hit with a bullet and that was the end of the matter. There's small detail from a local news report from last Sunday that suggests it as at least plausible that the initial report was correct, that Trump was struck by some flying debris. read more

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bernie Sanders: What the media should be doing, in my view, is focusing on the contrast between Joe Biden, what his record is and what his vision is for the future, not just what happened in a debate. And if you want to talk about cognitive capabilities and you want to talk about things that people say, take a hard look at Donald Trump as well. read more


"#61 LL is one of my favorite people here, You (Yav) are probably in my top ten. I respect anyone who argues and discusses with sincerity and intellectual honesty. But here and now, I am PISSED. Every time I have criticized Biden, the wagons have circled, calling me a Trumper, MAGAT, etc. I despise Trump, but have backed down from such conversations, because I get tired of being a pinata. Many of you see a false binary. If you criticize Biden, you must be a Trumper."

The reason people called you a Trumper is because your hatred of Trump has never really come through. At least not to me and I suspect to others as well. You always seem to be attacking Democrats/liberals/progressives and not so much attacking Republicans/conservatives/rightwingers. I'm sure you will say I'm wrong, but that is honestly my general impression of you.

"Your protection of Biden has brought you to this place. I predict that you will not see President Harris inaugurated. The chickens have come home to roost, and those who steadfastly defended Biden, and continue to do so, can blame themselves when Trump more than likely moves back into the White House.

I like what I heard Tim Kaine say earlier today about how he disliked the way his collegues went after Biden in public rather than behind the scenes. Kaine said that he shared internal polling from Virginia, which showed Biden's support cratering, with the WH and the campaign. I personally don't think Biden is as mentally compromised as people are now saying, but I think that is the perception that had taken hold in the media and the country at large and that perception is ultimately all that mattered. I certainly hope your prediction about Kamala is wrong. What are you willing to do to prevent Trump from returning to the WH? Will you at least vote for her?

Here's the rest of Marshall's post:

2/ It seems quite possible to me that no one has any idea what hit Trumps ear. So Trump just said it was a bullet. I know that an editor at a major news org told a colleague that they figure it was Trumps personal opinion but it wasn't worth getting into a fight with the ...

3/ campaign over. It is not the central part of the story precisely how Trump was injured. Someone tried to shoot him and could well have succeeded. But it is simply absurd to run with a social media post from Trump himself. Even though Trump was the target of an assassination ...

4/ attempt that doesn't change the fact that he is a notoriously self promoting pathological liar. Is this even a controversial statement? I think even many of his supporters would concede this point. He now routinely says that he "took a bullet for democracy", a really ...

5/ grotesque statement. It now appears quite likely that not even true in the narrow sense of the claim. Government officials have clearly been leery of contradicting Trump on this point for obvious reasons. I haven't seen yet precisely what question Wray was responding to ...

6/ and how much that forced the matter. Again, not a huge part of the story. But we should get some account from actual law enforcement on what happened. Now it appears we have, under duress. Reporters usually demand an almost absurd level of detail ...

7/ on this kind of stuff. It's really an embarrassment that this was handled - press-wise - the way it has been.

Looking more like it was flying debris:

John Harwood
FBI Director Wray on Trump's injury from the assassination attempt:

"There's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear."

underscores the question of why a former president injured in an assassination attempt won't put forward the doctors who treated him to say exactly what the injury was


Josh Marshall
Okay. I think we now know this specific part of the story. Trumps ear was lightly injured in the shooting. Police told reporters he was hit by flying debris. Trump went on Truth Social and declared he was hit by a bullet. And basically all major media went with that as a fact.


Well, lookee here. JD is up to his eyeballs in Project 2025:

Alex Wall
JD Vance literally WROTE THE FOREWORD for the Project 2025 extreme MAGA takeover.

Do not be fooled. This is Trump and Vance's plan.

JD Vance
Dawn's Early Light by @KevinRobertsTX is available for pre-order now!

I was thrilled to write the foreword for this incredible book, which contains a bold new vision for the future of conservatism in America


More on the book here:

Dawn's Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America Hardcover " September 24, 2024
by Kevin Roberts (Author), J. D. Vance (Foreword)

Heritage Foundation president and Project 2025 head Kevin Roberts outlines a peaceful "Second American Revolution" for voters looking to shift the power back into the hands of the people.

America is on the brink of destruction. A corrupt and incompetent elite has uprooted our way of life and is brainwashing the next generation. Many so-called conservatives are as culpable as their progressive counterparts.

In this ambitious and provocative book, Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts announces the arrival of a New Conservative Movement. His message is simple: Global elites " your time is up.


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