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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Russell Berman: Trump's popular-vote margin has shrunk to about 1.5 percent -- one of the tightest in the past half century -- and because some votes went to third-party and independent candidates, he'll fall just short of winning a majority of the vote nationwide. And in the House, they gained a seat, leaving the GOP with the second-smallest majority in history. read more

Thursday, December 05, 2024

After sharp criticism from anesthesiologists, an insurance company is halting its plan to limit the amount of time it would cover anesthesia used in surgeries and procedures. read more

More than 3 million adults in nine states would be at immediate risk of losing their health coverage should the GOP reduce the extra federal Medicaid funding that's enabled states to widen eligibility, according to KFF, a health information nonprofit that includes KFF Health News, and the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. That's because the states have trigger laws that would swiftly end their Medicaid expansions if federal funding falls. read more


He was the best of us. RIP, President Carter.

Barack Obama:

For decades, you could walk into Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia on some Sunday mornings and see hundreds of tourists from around the world crammed into the pews. And standing in front of them, asking with a wink if there were any visitors that morning, would be President Jimmy Carter--preparing to teach Sunday school, just like he had done for most of his adult life.

Some who came to hear him speak were undoubtedly there because of what President Carter accomplished in his four years in the White House--the Camp David Accords he brokered that reshaped the Middle East; the work he did to diversify the federal judiciary, including nominating a pioneering women's rights activist and lawyer named Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the federal bench; the environmental reforms he put in place, becoming one of the first leaders in the world to recognize the problem of climate change.

Others were likely there because of what President Carter accomplished in the longest, and most impactful, post-presidency in American history--monitoring more than 100 elections around the world; helping virtually eliminate Guinea worm disease, an infection that had haunted Africa for centuries; becoming the only former president to earn a Nobel Peace Prize; and building or repairing thousands of homes in more than a dozen countries with his beloved Rosalynn as part of Habitat for Humanity.

But I'm willing to bet that many people in that church on Sunday morning were there, at least in part, because of something more fundamental: President Carter's decency.

Elected in the shadow of Watergate, Jimmy Carter promised voters that he would always tell the truth. And he did--advocating for the public good, consequences be damned. He believed some things were more important than reelection--things like integrity, respect, and compassion. Because Jimmy Carter believed, as deeply as he believed anything, that we are all created in God's image.

Whenever I had a chance to spend time with President Carter, it was clear that he didn't just profess these values. He embodied them. And in doing so, he taught all of us what it means to live a life of grace, dignity, justice, and service. In his Nobel acceptance speech, President Carter said, "God gives us the capacity for choice. We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace." He made that choice again and again over the course of his 100 years, and the world is better for it.

Maranatha Baptist Church will be a little quieter on Sundays, but President Carter will never be far away--buried alongside Rosalynn next to a willow tree down the road, his memory calling all of us to heed our better angels. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers to the Carter family, and everyone who loved and learned from this remarkable man.

In 2017 at the start of Trump's first term, the breakdown in Congress was:

241 Rs to 194 Ds in the House

51 Rs to 47 Ds & 2 Is (who caucused with Ds) in the Senate.


In 2025 at the start of Trump's second term, the breakdown in Congress will be:

220 Rs to 215 Ds in the House (with 3 GOP seats scheduled for special elections in the spring)

53 Rs to 45 Ds & 2 Is (who caucus with Ds) in the Senate.

That's part of the perspective I have in mind when I say maybe Democrats didn't do so badly afterall.

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