Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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Saturday, May 04, 2024

A 'health care' company's stock dove on Friday, shedding nearly $210 million in value in one day, after its CEO said he and other corporate leaders would be "eager" to hire anti-Israel protesters who've faced disciplinary measures for their campus disruption. The stock price of health-care company Hims & Hers, which offers products for erectile dysfunction, hair, and mental health for men in addition to a female line, fell 8 percent on Friday from its opening price of $12.24 to $11.26. A couple days before, Palestinian-American CEO Andrew Dudum encouraged college activists to continue causing mayhem for the anti-Israel cause. "Moral courage" College degree," Dudum tweeted Wednesday. "If you're currently protesting against the genocide of the Palestinian people & for your university's divestment from Israel, keep going. It's working. There are plenty of companies & CEOs eager to hire you, regardless of university discipline."

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