I certainly don't condone sexual assault, but she made the choice to get uncontrollably wasted with a stranger.
#2 | Posted by TFDNihilist
I'm not sure that you understand what it means to not condone something. It sure sounds like you are pushing the blame back on to the victim.
Here's a simple rule to help you.
Can and did the person legally consent to sex?
If the answer is not yes and yes then the blame lies solely on the perpetrator.
Also, he's not a stranger.
"Jessup was charged with assaulting his youngest daughter, Rachel, on a trip to Las Vegas intended to celebrate her 21st birthday."
Republican voters elected a man who they knew prior to the election was already jailed for sexually assaulting his daughter and they still voted for him.
It is a party filled with deplorable garbage people.
It doesn't mean you agree with everything you voted for.
just sayin....
#3 | Posted by eberly
Actions talk, BS walks. This guys actions tell us all anyone should need to know about him when assessing his fitness for the job.