We have the equal protection clause and we have the 19th Amendment. I'm hard-pressed to conjure up an activity that a man can do by law that a woman cannot, from a Constitutional standpoint.
#26 | Posted by BellRinger
Why was the 19A needed since we already had 14A with the equal protection clause?
We recently saw the GOP and their packed Court strip women of their right to life saving health care.
What if the GOP is successful in their expressed desire to revise or repeal the 14th?
Plus I'm just talking about women but the ERA would include protections for men. One such example is that it is unlikely that men would still be forced to register for the draft unless women have to also.
We have the equal protection clause and we have the 19th Amendment. I'm hard-pressed to conjure up an activity that a man can do by law that a woman cannot, from a Constitutional standpoint.
#26 | Posted by BellRinger
Why was the 19A needed since we already had 14A with the equal protection clause?
We recently saw the GOP and their packed Court strip women of their right to life saving health care.
What if the GOP is successful in their expressed desire to revise or repeal the 14th?
Plus I'm just talking about women but the ERA would include protections for men. One such example is that it is unlikely that men would still be forced to register for the draft unless women have to also.