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Wednesday, April 03, 2024

The House GOP is targeting dozens of new inquiries into President Joe Biden's administration in an apparent admission that its attempt to impeach him "whiffed," according to a new report.

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Interesting video with a (subjective) placement of each POTUS on the political compass spectrum.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Ronna McDaniel said Monday that she will step down next month as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee following former President Donald Trump's endorsement of a new slate of leaders to direct the party. read more


And just who screwed you? The same people? The people who brought companies up for you to work at? The people who invested in America - even if it were a shot at making money off of it? I would ask you not to procreate, but I'm pretty sure it's too late.
The problem is the buck stops with anyone... Except the one you voted for, water-head.


LOL my god the idiocy is astounding.

The same people and idiots like you who supported them so long as it didn't affect you screwed me and everyone else.

Look, idiot, for the entirely of my adult life until MAGA, the righty base bemoaned any attempt to regulate industry or businesses as socialism. Sometimes communism if they were particularly dense.

Pointing out that outsourcing will lead to major problems? Communist!

Pointing out that a service-based economy is a problem that will catch up to us? Socialist!

Pointing out the obvious issues with expanding profits by cutting jobs and offshoring? Maybe if you had skills and worked harder you wouldn't be worried, marxist socialist commie!

Bring up obvious concerns about a supply chain largely dependent on one country solely because labor and environmental laws are so poor it brings their labor costs down to pennys on the dollar compared to American wages? Love it or leave it, commie! 'Murica!

Protest a war that was obviously based on false premises? America hating marxist!

Protest the length and insane costs of the war as it dragged on for two decades while you idiots gave out tax cut after tax cut? Stupid LiBrUlZ!

Idiots like you were fine with all of it because it didn't affect you. In fact, you loved it because you could fill your house with cheap ---- that you convinced yourself signified success. The more the better. And so it spiraled on and on, mouth breathers like you upgrading that TV every few years, buying that new car every fives years with no consideration of gas mileage because our foreign policy was built around keeping gas cheap...more more more more more with volume of consumption making up for lowering prices by stripping more and more of the jobs and manufacturing roles to send overseas or automate.

But now that the struggle bus has climbed far enough up the pyramid to finally start making you feel it? Well, now we have to deal with loud mouthed protestations about 'Murica! first and how you're the left behind, persecuted, ignored "majority" who's fed up with being abused and other people living a good life while you suffer...entirely oblivious to the fact that that is exactly what you did to millions of other Americans through your voting habits and rabid consumption-drive, selfish stupidity.

Nearly every single problem MAGA bitches about is of their own creation, either directly or indirectly, or is a long-standing problem they were content to ignore because it suited them then but no longer does now. And every one of those problems were pointed out, commented on and solutions proposed by the people you now blame for them (liberals, Dems) while you fought tooth and nail and derided each one as some caricature of communism/socialism/anti-Americanism.

SO GFY, idiot. Of course, we don't want to hear your whining and thoughts on the massive s*&^ show we're living in that you and your preferred politicians and policies for the last several decades are responsible for creating.

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