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Monday, June 24, 2024

Mike Elgan: GPS jamming is creating demand for cheap drones that use AI to navigate, target and attack. It's only a matter of time before this will be a worldwide danger. read more

Rishi Sunak's chances of avoiding a landslide defeat in the UK election dwindled further as his Conservative Party battled revelations that several of the prime minister's close aides placed bets on the date of the vote. read more

Former President Trump ran up the national debt by about twice as much as President Biden, according to a new analysis of their fiscal track records. read more

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Government officials across the U.S. frequently promote the supposed, and often anecdotal, public safety benefits of automated license plate readers (ALPRs), but rarely do they examine how this very same technology poses risks to public safety that may outweigh the crimes they are attempting to address in the first place. read more

More than a million people are under flood warnings in the upper US Midwest on Sunday after days of heavy rain that forced evacuations and rescues in several states. read more


Camper Van Beethoven - Good Guys and Bad Guys (1986)

Lyrics excerpt...


Well there are good guys and there are bad guys
And there are crooks and criminals
There are doctors and there are lawyers
And there are folks like you and me

So let's get high while the radio's on
Just relax and sing a song
Drive your car up on the lawn
Let me play your guitar

@#5 ... Reminder
The FACTS are that since the passage of Dobbs:
1. The rate of abortions have increased.ringer and Bluewaffles current aliases. ...

OK, when I see such assertions, one of the first things I tend to do is look for substantiation. If I cannot find substantion, I raise a challenge.

So, for the first item I quoted above, I found this...

Despite Bans, Number of Abortions in the United States Increased in 2023 (March 2024)

... Updated on May 10, 2024

New findings from the Monthly Abortion Provision Study show that an estimated 1,037,000 abortions occurred in the formal health care system in 2023, the first full calendar year after the US Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturned Roe v. Wade. This represents a rate of 15.9 abortions per 1,000 women of reproductive age,* and is a 11% increase since 2020, the last year for which comprehensive estimates are available. It is also the highest number and rate measured in the United States in over a decade.

This increase demonstrates that people continue to seek and obtain abortion care despite the drastic reduction in abortion access in many states. Since the Dobbs decision, in 2022, 14 states have banned abortion with limited exceptions. In addition, seven states"Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina and Utah"have implemented laws that restrict abortion access on the basis of gestational duration. While access has decreased dramatically in states with bans, almost all other states have experienced substantial increases in the number of abortions provided. As a result, the United States continues to face a fractured abortion landscape, with access varying widely based on where people live and what resources they have. ...


@#17 ... Oh, so you LIKE our massive government spying apparatus? ...

Personally, I agree.

I do not like the spy apparatus our government has in place.

And I fear it will get worse, much worse.

For example: drudge.com

What also concerns me is fmr Pres Trump's continual statements that he is out for revenge.

So, yeah, there's a massive government spying apparatus in place.

Who do you want in control of it?

Trump implores evangelical Christians to vote in November

... The ex-leader, who rarely appears in church himself, has built a crucial base among the religious right, promising -- and delivering -- on some of their biggest priorities, including by appointing Supreme Court justices who helped overturn the federal right to abortion.

"The evangelicals and the Christians, they don't vote as much as they should," Trump told hundreds of supporters at a Washington conference put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, a conservative advocacy group.

"They go to church every Sunday, but they don't vote," he said, adding in a half-joke that "in four years, you don't have to vote. Okay? In four years, don't vote. I don't care."

If elected, Trump would be ineligible to run for president again in 2028 because of term limits.

Evangelical voters were crucial for Trump's 2016 victory and again in his failed 2020 campaign, when 84 percent of white evangelical Protestants voted for him, according to the Pew Research Center.

Trump promised to protect their interests Saturday, as he vowed to "aggressively defend religious freedom." ...

Julian Assange strikes plea deal with U.S.

... The big picture: The Australian-born Assange was arrested in 2019 after leaving London's Ecuadorian Embassy following a seven-year stay there that ended when the country withdrew its offer of asylum. He has been in custody in the U.K. ever since.

- - - Assange has long argued he was acting as a journalist when he published on WikiLeaks leaked U.S. government documents on Iraq and Afghanistan.

- - - Australia's Parliament passed a motion in February calling for Assange to return home, saying the case against him had gone on for too long.

- - - When asked to comment on Australia's diplomatic efforts, the State Department referred Axios to the Justice Department.

- - - Representatives of the Justice Department and the Australian government did not immediately respond to Axios' requests for comment. ...

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