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Thursday, July 04, 2024

China aims to be among the first countries to begin developing standards for the future of brain-computer interfaces ... read more

Kansas' biggest school district is required to overhaul its discipline system under a settlement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) following an investigation into disability and race discrimination. read more

Rushing waters from the Blue Earth River have already left a trail of debris and destruction on the edges of a southern Minnesota dam ... read more

The latest ATM skimmer device that can clone your bank debit card data is made of thin plastic and hidden inside the card reader. read more

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The former New York City mayor had no "good faith basis" to believe lies about widespread voter fraud. read more


@#155 ... Everyone with a room temperature IQ or higher knows Trump TOLD Spicer to make that claim. ...

Donald Trump Rally Crowd Size Claims Have One Major Problem (June 2024)

... Donald Trump's claim about the crowd size at his Las Vegas rally has one major problem"the venue doesn't accommodate the number of people he touted were there. ...

Fact check: Trump falsely claims police turned away thousands' from Manhattan courthouse and that supporters can't get near' (April 2024)

... Former President Donald Trump is a famed exaggerator of the size of his crowds. For years, he has lied about how many supporters attended his presidential inauguration and numerous campaign rallies.

Now he's pushing a wildly inaccurate claim about how many supporters have attempted to show up at his first criminal trial -- and he's making additional false claims about security measures around the Manhattan courthouse, which he is baselessly blaming for keeping these supposed supporters away.

After The New York Times published a story that said Trump was unhappy with the meager crowd he saw when he arrived at the courthouse for opening statements on Monday, Trump posted on social media on Tuesday to deny the story, denigrate a Times reporter and make this claim: "Thousands of people were turned away from the Courthouse in Lower Manhattan by steel stanchions and police, literally blocks from the tiny side door from where I enter and leave. It is an armed camp to keep people away." ...

[emphasis mine]

Trump inauguration crowd photos were edited after he intervened (2018)

Etc., etc., etc., etc.

Yeah, fmr Pres Trump seems to have an issue about crowd sizes.

@#96 ... Because Oregon ...

Not just Oregon.

Securing Utah's Elections

... Elections in Utah are transparent and secure. In the links below, you will find how these four topics come together create a complete picture of election security. Learn what safeguards are already in place in areas like voter registration, voting equipment, ballot processing, and individual voter responsibilities. ...

Table 18: States With Mostly-Mail Elections

...In mostly-mail elections, all registered voters are sent a ballot in the mail. The voter marks the ballot, puts it in a secrecy envelope or sleeve and then into a separate mailing envelope, signs an affidavit on the exterior of the mailing envelope and returns the package via mail or by dropping it off.

Ballots are mailed out well ahead of Election Day, and thus voters have an "election period," not just a single day, to vote. Mostly-mail elections can be thought of as absentee voting for everyone. This system is also referred to as "vote by mail."

Eight states"California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Vermont and Washington and the District of Columbia -- allow all elections to be conducted entirely by mail. ...

OK, so what is your concern with mail-in ballots again?

And, maybe, you may want to talk with the election officials of the states noted above regarding that opinion.

Please let us all know how that conversation turns out.


Spicergate, explained: the controversy about Trump's press secretary and crowd size (2017)

... "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe."

The new White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, introduced himself to the American people this weekend with these words " words that came after a series of tendentious factual claims about attendance at President Donald Trump's inauguration and that made a remarkable contrast with readily available photographic evidence.

Spicer's statement made for a jarring introduction to the new Trump administration, and he came in for a good deal of condemnation from reporters and mockery from observers of all political stripes. A hashtag called #SeanSpicerFacts, in which pictures of Spicer at the briefing were posted alongside humorous false claims, trended on Twitter.

Two days later, when he was pushed at Monday's first full press briefing, Spicer said he was "not" saying Trump had the largest in-person inaugural crowd.

Indeed, he argued that he had never made such a claim, saying that he was only referring to the combined in-person, TV, and streaming global audience as the largest.

This claim about the total audience was also quite questionable, and as the Weekly Standard's Michael Warren archly observed, "Why it took Spicer two days to make this clarification wasn't clear." But the shift seemed sufficient to satisfy many reporters, many of whom publicly praised Spicer's performance Monday.

At its heart, this squabble about crowd size may not seem particularly consequential.

But this dust-up has broader implications for how the new Trump administration is shaping up -- in how it will deal with the press, in whether it can be trusted to provide basic factual information, and in just how hard the press corps is going to push back. ...

Now, on to France on Sunday.

We've been there': French Resistance fighters speak out against rule by the far right

... In the run-up to the second round of legislative elections in France, former members of the resistance to Nazi rule are voicing their concerns over the possibility of a far-right government taking power. They urge the French people not to forget the legacy, spirit and values of the French Resistance during the Second World War. ...

UK election: Keir Starmer's Labour set for landslide victory

... What you need to know

- - - Exit poll puts the Labour Party on 410 seats with a 170-seat majority, their best result since 1997

- - - Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer set to become next UK Prime Minister

- - - Current Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party predicted to win just 131 seats in worst performance ever

- - - British voters said their main concerns were the economy and cost of living

- - - The Liberal Democrats are set to make huge gains

- - - Nigel Farage's Reform UK have been projected to win 13 seats

More from the cited article...

... The Project 2025 blueprint for a potential second Donald Trump administration would plunder veterans' benefits and shower cash on private contractors.

Right-wing policy makers led by the Heritage Foundation are crafting a detailed plan to slash federal spending, cut taxes, gut regulatory agencies, stock the federal government with loyalists and privatize many government functions, including the Veterans Health Administration.

A chapter in the massive, 920-page Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise released by the conservative think tank details cost-cutting measures and other proposed changes to the Veterans Administration, including the replacement of its leaders and decision makers with political appointees.

Brooks D. Tucker, who served as chief of staff for Trump's second VA secretary Robert Wilkie, wrote the chapter on VA reforms with the assistance of Darin Selnick, who called for dismantling the agency when serving on a presidential commission in 2016 and worked for the Koch brothers-funded Concerned Veterans for America (CVA).

Among other recommendations, the plan proposes eliminating concurrent eligibility for both service-related disability benefits and military retirement benefits, which Tucker says would reduce mandatory outlays by at least $160 billion through 2032, and revising the disability rating awards that determine eligibility for benefits and determine monthly disability compensation to reap "significant cost savings." ...

[emphasis mine]

Significant cost savings. --- in other words, depriving Veterans of the benefits they have earned.

Note that the rationale is not to help Veterans, but only to save money.

Why, well, and also to give the wealthy more tax cuts.

@#16 ... If it was not a legitimate threat to actual achieve the aims you attribute to it ...

OK, now your current alias is introducing "ifs" in a lame attempt to counter my comment.

... There were tens of thousands of people there - what % of those people do you believe were willing to overthrow the US government? Surely not tens of thousands - so what is the number? ...

Tens of thousands? Is that a Trump crowd number?

That aside, your comment seems to ignore the organized groups that assaulted the Capitol that day.

Look at the Proud Boys who have been tried and convicted.

... There is no distinction between the 2 ------- when BLM used this as a pretext to declare independence from the US in Seattle and started killing people. The only meaningful distinction between the two event is that Jan 6 lasted only a few hours vs. weeks and the Jan 6 people didn't murder anyone - it was actually mostly peaceful. ...

Mostly peaceful?

One of many, oh so many...

Proud Boy who wielded ax handle and fueled' Jan. 6 riot sentenced (January 2024)

... A man wielding an ax handle while leading rioters and his group of Kansas City-area Proud Boys was sentenced Friday to 55 months in prison for adding what a judge said was "fuel to the fire" that drove a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

William Chrestman, 50, of Olathe, Kan., brought a two-foot-long wooden ax handle and told a Capitol Police officer, "If you shoot I'll f-----g take your a-s out," he admitted in plea papers. He also shouted to a crowd amassed in front of a police line, "Do you want your house back!? ... Take it!"

"I can't recall seeing a more direct encouragement to rioters that day to run through police and go to the building than that," U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly told Chrestman, who pleaded guilty in October to threatening a federal officer and obstructing Congress's confirmation of President Biden's 2020 election victory. Four people in the crowd died on Jan. 6 and a Capitol police officer died after collapsing one day after confronting the mob. At least 140 police officers were assaulted. ...

While leading... his group ...

Those tourists ...

Do try harder. Your comments do not appear to be helping the opinion your current alias proffers.

@#80 ... Trump is now a legally defined sexual predator. ...

Analysis: Trump is now a legally defined sexual predator " will it affect his 2024 bid? (May 2023)

... A mystery of Donald Trump's US presidency was the absence of a major sex scandal. The thrice-married billionaire who boasted on Access Hollywood that women let him "grab 'em by the -----'" seemed to commit every abuse of power except the kind that nearly brought down Bill Clinton.

Trump's effort to regain the White House, however, must confront a different reality: he is now a legally defined as a sexual predator.

On Tuesday a jury in New York found that the former president sexually abused magazine writer E Jean Carroll in the 1990s and then defamed her by branding her a liar, awarding about $5m in compensatory and punitive damages.

It was a moment of reckoning for a man who was previously accused of sexual misconduct or assault by more than two dozen women but faced no legal consequences. It was also a dire verdict for the Republican frontrunner in the race for the White House in 2024. ...


So, why isn't the Christian-based GOP concerned about this?

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