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Monday, September 30, 2024

The chair of the Connecticut Republican Party has accused the State Elections Enforcement Commission of "interfering" with State House and Senate races by delaying campaign finance grants through the Citizens' Election Program.

Western allies are waking up to the threat on NATO's borders and the increased ties between Russia and China. But the security alliance's goal to work more closely with the Indo-Pacific region still has a long way to go. read more

Sunday, September 29, 2024

A U.S. Trademark Office tribunal has canceled a set of "Super Hero" trademarks jointly owned by comic giants Marvel and DC at the request of a London-based comic book artist, according to a Thursday order. read more

Former President Donald Trump's recent remark praising President William McKinley's economic policies of the 1890s have sparked criticism on social media.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

22 days of data from the Suomi NPP satellite went into making this beautiful and eerie view of the Earth at night, spinning in a black sky. The satellite can see in the visible and near-infrared at high sensitivity, able to map city lights, fires, and even moonlit weather. This animation is made from real images, mapped onto the previously existing Blue Marble images to make the view more realistic.


@#1 ... ETTD ...

Well, yeah, that has been shown time and time again.

But it seems to be not only the daughter of fmr Mayor Giuliani but also a niece of fmr Pres Trump.

Mary L. Trump

... Mary Lea Trump (born May 3, 1965)[2] is an American psychologist and writer. A niece of former US president Donald Trump, she has been critical of him. Her 2020 book about him and the family, Too Much and Never Enough, sold nearly one million copies on the day of its release. Two further books followed, The Reckoning (2021) and Who Could Ever Love You (2024). ...

At this point, though, it seems to me that she seems to be spending a whole lot of time promoting here books.

In a true Trump fashion?

Art Tatum - Have You Met Miss Jones? (1956)

Mr Tatum is one of the best pianists I've listened to.

And then there is Ben Webster's sax entering into the song. How Mr Webster conveys such emotion in his playing is amazing.

Wow, two great musicians ...

More from the article...

... In an interview with the Courant, State Republican Chairman Ben Proto said a number of candidates in his party have yet to receive CEP distributions despite applying for grants weeks ago. Proto also accused SEEC of unduly disqualifying or "kicking back" contributions by challenging the validity of donors, which candidates are required to amass in order to qualify for a CEP grant.

"SEEC is interfering with elections," Proto said. "They're putting their thumb on the scale on elections by withholding (CEP grants) and taking their time and kicking back (contributions)."

SEEC representatives refuted Proto's accusations. ...

Proto said CEP delays affect candidates "on both sides of the aisle." However, Proto added, "I will have people tell you it's done more to Republicans than it is to Democrats."

"I don't have statistical proof of that, but I hear more from Republicans that they haven't gotten their money than I hear from Democrats (who) haven't gotten their money," Proto said. ...

[emphasis mine]

So... CT State Republican Chairman Ben Proto is making accusations that he seems to admit he has no substantiation for.

OK. Let's go with that ...

More from the article ...

... According to an analysis of CEP data by the Courant, there are currently 16 races for House and Senate seats where Republicans and Democrats have completed CEP applications but only one competitor has been approved for a grant.

In 13 of the races, the Democrat is the candidate with an SEEC-approved CEP disbursement. In each case, the Democratic candidate was the first to submit a CEP application and in all but one race SEEC approved the Democratic candidates for a grant before their Republican opponents even completed their application.

In total, SEEC has approved grant disbursements for approximately 92% of Democratic applicants and 88% of Republican applicants.

Among the 14 Democrats and 13 Republicans who are still waiting for SEEC to approve their grants, nine and 10 candidates, respectively, submitted their CEP application on or after the full-grant deadline on Aug. 26.

Of the candidates SEEC has approved for a grant, Democrats waited between five and 99 days for approval after completing their application. Republican candidates waited between 6 and 104 days. On average, the wait time was 25 days for Democrats and 23 days for Republicans.

"The application and approval process does take time," Nancy DiNardo, the chair of the Connecticut Democratic Party, said. "Should it go faster? I don't know. I guess it could, but ... it's not unusual for people to be getting (their CEP grant) once they're into the campaign season."

DiNardo said that if Proto has proof of prejudice "he should present it." ...

So, the reality seems to be that the CT Republican Party submitted their forms late, and now expect to receive special treatment because of their tardiness?

Wow. Way to go CT GOP.

@#1 ... Hollywood forgot that their primary role was entertainment and not politics ...

Conservative and/or Republican Actors

Or ...

Charlton Heston

... Heston was a five-term president of the National Rifle Association (NRA), from 1998 to 2003. ...


Russian foreign minister says denuclearization of N.Korea meaningless

... Russia's foreign minister says the term denuclearization when applied to North Korea is meaningless in light of what he described as a serious regional security threat posed by the United States, South Korea and Japan.

Sergey Lavrov also accused them of openly calling the US-South Korea alliance a "nuclear alliance" like NATO.

The comments were posted online on Thursday.

Lavrov said the United States and South Korea are attempting to form a tripartite with Japan, and accused Tokyo of being "outspoken in its commitment to remilitarisation."

Lavrov said denuclearization under such conditions is "off the table." ...

Oh, it's not just overtime he seems to avoid paying, by workers in general...

Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn't pay his bills (2016)

... Donald Trump casts himself as a protector of workers and jobs, but a USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found hundreds of people -- carpenters, dishwashers, painters, even his own lawyers -- who say he didn't pay them for their work. ...

And that is just as of 2016 ...

So, I have to ask, does fmr Pres Trump really care about workers? Or is his feigning of concern about workers yet another scan he is running?


When trump says "i hate _____" he means "your next target is _____" ...

Well, yeah.

That's been apparent since his comments of Jan6.


... Mr Trump ends his speech with the words: "We fight. We fight like hell and if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue."

Shortly afterwards a Capitol police officer calls for backup.

"They're throwing metal poles at us," he says. "Multiple law-enforcement injuries," he adds in a panicked voice.

Capitol police send an evacuation warning. ...

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