Russia is attempting to "undermine" Vice President Harris's campaign using artificial intelligence (AI) generated videos while China has begun targeting a series of GOP congressional candidates ahead of November, according to a new report from Microsoft. read more
New York has issued 4,507 one-way tickets to Texas through a voluntary program that transfers asylum seekers out of the city, according to Mayor Eric Adams' office. read more
Years ago, I sought employment at Lockheed Martin, one of the largest defense contractors in the world. With my resume in hand, reflecting my IT qualifications and charming demeanor, I hoped to land the job -- so I could get physical access to its networks.
he radar station on Triton will probably complicate military operations in peace time across the South China Sea but could also prove to be a juicy target in time of war, says Malcom Davis at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Donald Trump's longest-serving chief of staff is warning that the Republican presidential nominee meets the definition of a fascist and that while in office, Trump suggested that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler "did some good things." read more
OK, found this...
Voting by Provisional Ballot
... If you are a registered voter but your eligibility to vote at your polling place is uncertain, you have the right to vote a provisional ballot.
What is a provisional ballot?
Sometimes county elections officials need more time to determine a voter's eligibility to vote. Election officials may ask that voter to vote a provisional ballot. A provisional ballot records your vote while the county board of elections determines whether it can be counted.
You may be issued a provisional ballot for the reasons below:
- - - Your name was not in the poll book or supplemental poll book.
- - - - - - For example, you reported to the wrong precinct; or
- - - - - - You did not report a recent change in residence to the county election office.
- - - You are required to show ID, but cannot show ID.
- - - Your eligibility was challenged by an election official.
- - - You were issued an absentee or mail-in ballot but believe you did not successfully vote that ballot, and you do not surrender your ballot and outer return envelope at the polling place to be spoiled.
- - - You returned a completed absentee or mailin ballot that was rejected, or you believe will be rejected, by the county board of elections and you believe you are eligible to vote.
- - - There is a special court order with respect to your registration status.
- - - There is a special court order related to extending the hours of voting.
- - - You believe that you are registered in a political party, but your voter record indicates otherwise (for primary elections only).
OK, what are these "provisional ballots that seem to be in question?
I'm gonna explore, while I do, enjoy...
Good Rats - City Liners (1979)
Just popped up on a playlist here.
I have only heard this song broadcast on the WRPI-FM station.
Back in the day, that station was quite good in presenting alternative music. I remember them describing how they built the pedestals for the turntables upon which the music was played. I'll leave it there.
Wally - Your Own Way (1974)
@#17 ... Again, if that's your view, you're voting for the wrong party. ...
To wit ...
Trump's small-dollar donor fundraising is beset by confusion and fatigue (October 10, 2024)
... Donald Trump's contributions from small-dollar donors have plummeted since his last bid for the White House, presenting the former president with a financial challenge as he attempts to keep pace with Democrats' fundraising machine.
Fewer than a third of the Republican's campaign contributions have come from donors who gave less than $200 " down from nearly half of all donations in his 2020 race, according to an analysis by The Associated Press and OpenSecrets, an organization that tracks political spending.
The total collected from small donors has also declined, according to the analysis. Trump raised $98 million from such contributors through June, a 40% drop compared to the $165 million they contributed during a corresponding period in his previous presidential race.
The dip has forced Trump to rely more on wealthy donors and groups backed by them, a shift that cuts into the populist message that first propelled him to the White House. ...
@#13 ... I think that plenty of people wanted trump's generals to be like general Rommel. ...
Too soon to tell ...
Erwin Rommel
... In 1944, Rommel was implicated in the 20 July plot to assassinate Hitler. Because of Rommel's status as a national hero, Hitler wanted to eliminate him quietly instead of having him immediately executed, as many other plotters were.
Rommel was given a choice between suicide, in return for assurances that his reputation would remain intact and that his family would not be persecuted following his death, or facing a trial that would result in his disgrace and execution; he chose the former and took a cyanide pill.[8]
Rommel was given a state funeral, and it was announced that he had succumbed to his injuries from the strafing of his staff car in Normandy. ...
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