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Sunday, August 04, 2024

Antony J. Blinken, Secretary of State: "Given the overwhelming evidence, it is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela's July 28 presidential election." Gonzalez's campaign workers said they went to each polling place and collected results, which they published online. read more

Saturday, July 27, 2024

From tech to tractors, companies are dialing back diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Instead, a DEI alternative endorsed by Elon Musk could alter the fate of your next job application. It's known as MEI, short for merit, excellence and intelligence. As described by Scale AI Chief Executive Alexandr Wang, who helped popularize the term, MEI means hiring the best candidates for open roles without considering demographics. read more


"From an overview basis, it looks like VP Harris' proposal is focusing upon helping the lower and middle classes move forward."


Can you walk me throught how the government would create more "affordable" housing?

I would start by saying that there is always affordable housing...it might just not be in the area you want to live in.

The government could create more public housing-think the housing projects in major urban areas. That would be the most cost efficient method. There is a reason the former socialist nations did not focus on building single-family homes. Furthermore, it would allow for the construction on facilities closer in to urban areas where residents could get around on foot, bicycle, or public transportation. But the construction of new single-family homes intended for low-income people would be very complex. I think it could be done, but it would be difficult to achieve the intended objective. And I would say that "affordable housing" is not a measurable objective.

KH's proposed price controls are equally silly. Ask Venezuela. Kroger's profit margin for 2023 was 1.4%. Albertson's was the same. Price increases are driven by factors left of retail, whether they be in the supply chain or the commodities markets. If the demand for a commodity exceeds the supply, prices are going to go up. If KH really wanted to address the cost of a gallon of milk, the easiest answer would be having the government purchase milk from another country for sale in the US. That would bring down prices, although it would introduce a host of other issues.

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