You guys are all severely mistaken. Median household income in 2023 was over $80k. That represents a 4% increase in inflation-adjusted dollars over 2022.
What has changed? People's expectations of what they deserve. This #139 nonsense article pre-supposes an obsolete market that no longer exists. It's not wrong probably, but it is referencing a world that has been overcome by events.
The biggest contributor to dissatisfaction now is that people feel they deserve more than they are able to earn or collect on their own. Imagine a prehistoric hunter stating that he "deserved" one elk kill per week, but based on ability was not able to achieve that, and instead based the blame on those hunters with greater skill who were able to achieve multiple kills per week.
That's where we are at champs. But ask yourself, would our ancestors who survived the great depression want to trade places with us? Would you want to trade places with them? How about those in 1960? That halcyon period where high income earners were taxes at 91% and union membership was strong.
I think they would happily trade places. Progressive might, until they realized they were stuck in a 1200 square foot house with one car.
In retrospect, it wasn't close at all. Trump took all but 2 swing states...and it's looking likely that he will take those as well once the votes are tallied.