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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Democrats long believed that the diversifying of the country would lead to their party's long-term success, but President-elect Trump was able to win over many of the voters Democrats believed they could rely on. read more


#22 And do the police now act differently, aware of that 30-second buffer that the body-cam has, since it was apparently exposed so dramatically in 2017? My answer is, yes.

The 30 second buffer as never been a secret. Deterrant effect? Nope. For ANYTHING to have a deterrant effect you must first have a person making a reasoned/rational choice between two possible actions, considering outcomes (benefit vs consequence). That is seldom what is occurring in a police misconduct case, and it certainly wasn't in the Baltimore case. I'm reluctant to delve deeper into this case as an example, because it is not Florida and does not involve review boards.

Is that not why laws are passed that make it illegal to rob a bank, with consequences for that act? Yes, laws provide consequences, and also limit them. There is no consequence a review board can impart that the existing laws (assisted by the SEVEN avenues/levels of recourse above) don't already cover. A review board does not have any magical powers to find things that get "swept under the rug" or "slip through the cracks". It is a bunch of amateurs thrown into a conference room to impart their complete ignorance and biases as they Monday Morning quarterback the professionals

I'd bet it's because the Police Unions are pissed their members are being caught.
You clearly have no idea, do you. What are you basing this on? You're alleged "friends" who are cops? Ask one of them. I don't know a single cop who gets "pissed" when someone gets held accountable for bad behavior. We are disappointed and embarrased, because it reflects badly upon all of us, and we literally want to string them up by the balls for doing stupid ---- that destroys public confidence and makes everyone's job harder.

It just feels like a constant stream of bad behavior on the part of cops. For instance:

An officer responding to a domestic violence call arrested a woman's boyfriend, then went back to the scene, took off his body camera and touched her inappropriately, Florida authorities said. John Burgos, 35, is the 15th employee of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office to be arrested this year, according to reporting from The Florida Times-Union and WJXT.

You noted that 15 Jacksonville employees were arrested. Jacksonville doesn't have a Civilian Review Board, which means those investigations were conducted by police, and officers were held accountable without the involvement of a Civilian Review Board. That officer (Burgos) was arrested, fired and abandoned by the Police Union, as he should have been. He will probably do prison time. As for the body camera, not sure why he removed it, as opposed to just not turning it on. (I have a theory).

The only thing Citizens Review Panels add to the process is a whole new level or ignorance, sensationalism and politics. They are either a rubber stamp or a witch hunt, depending on the political platform of the POLITICIAN who appoints its members.

First of all, I have said this before, the "Blue Wall of Silence" is mostly TV and Movie fiction. In real life, good cops don't want to work around bad cops. We depend on each other to stay alive, uninjured and out of trouble. When we identify a "bad apple" in the barrel, we want him (or her) gone. Cops rat each other out all the time. That is how most misconduct is exposed, through IN-ternal complaints. When these kinds of stories come out, we are all embarrassed and upset, because it reflects on the entire profession.

Secondly, Municipal police chiefs are appointed and answer to an elected mayor as well as a city council which often includes a public safely oversight committee. Elected county sheriffs answer directly to their constituencies, and a county commission level oversight often exists as well.

Thirdly, the State Attorneys Office overseas investigations of police officers whenever a crime is alleged

Fourthly, FDLE and FHP often step in or are called in to take over an investigation whenever local police are implicated

Fifthly the Bureau of Criminal Justice Standards in Tallahassee reviews all citizen complaints at the state level and acts to strip officers of their certifications

Sixthly the DOJ acts at the federal level to investigate local law enforcement whenever a violation of rights is alleged

Seventhly, Florida has a broad sunshine law. Nearly all governmental records are open to public inspection and review. This includes citizen complaints, officers training and work history, investigations of misconduct, reports written, calls for service, body camera footage, written reports, radio transmissions, emails, texts messages, etc. Journalists, the ACLU and other citizens groups make frequent use of these resources.

So yeah......that is not enough, what we REALLY need is to select a group of random hairdressers, computer programmers, pet groomers, teachers, community organizers, cashiers etc..... to investigate and apply their "expertise" to make sure officers are held accountable. While they are convened, maybe we should get the same "citizens oversight committee" to review malpractice claims against doctors, determine the cause of airplane crashes, approve new medications and verify that buildings are constructed to meet hurricane codes!

Yes, corruption and bad groups of cops exist, but it is the exception not the norm. Citizen oversight committees are not the answer. If the seven levels of oversight described above can't root it out, a group of regular folks meeting at the community library once a month isn't going to break the case.

One of the things I have always admired about Obama was his willingness to talk to our enemies. Some insight:


I'd like to think that Obama has the wisdom to recognize that if he leaves that door of communication open, Trump will pick up the phone when he calls and may just listen to what Barack has to say at some critical moment for America. Fitting to see this at Jimmy Carters funeral.

#33 Chuffy,
I do care about you and your family. And I do reject DJT and elements of BOTH parties. I believe a multi-party system is essential for balance. I am not a Republican, but I can't "join you" when you post the kind of hyperbolic, over the top rhetoric like this:

Repubicans support, if not enthusiastically cheer, the following, openly:

Rape, sexual assault and men beating up women.
Six year olds getting shot in the face.
Child abuse.
White Supremacists.
Religious theocracy.
Anti-science stupidity.

It's a longer list, but all of those things are the core beliefs of Repubicans. They love all of it.

I really don't see the point of piling on to the endless threads here that are filled with that kind of divisive content to prove some sort of fealty. I prefer to stick with factual posts from my area of expertise, and call out false or misleading stories. Disrupting false narratives makes people uncomfortable. Is it more comfortable for you to believe that roughly 50% of Americans support (if not enthusiastically cheer) six year olds getting shot in the face?

So that was my response to your "if you really cared about my family" comment. My work has exposed me to a very diverse population and my concern for other people is not conditional on political beliefs. I sincerely believe that most people are decent and caring, they just disagree on how to make the world a better place. I hope you and your family continue to stay safe. My family members are between the Sunset and Eaton fires and keeping watch. Air quality is terrible, but they are essential workers and can't leave. They feel very fortunate to be safe.

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