""Curious what specifically you think Biden should have done in that front.""
Don't mistake Biden for someone who ever could do anything other than what he was allowed to do by those really in charge, who I will simply call "The Law". He was always a doorkeeper-- a door holder for others. And now he is holding the door open for Kamala Harris. But she is just another door holder, who is only being allowed to say things and do things demanded by "The Law". And so it goes 9until the second Civil War breaks out).
Trump had a real opportunity to stop this incessant chain of doorkeeping. But he failed miserably (as most knew he would) and he became just another would-be despot, with and his hopeful followers becoming nothing more than a single-minded mob of brainwashed cult-followers.
As the primary doorkeeper to the impenetrable and imposing structure that represents the sum and totality of "The Law", Biden had the responsibility to hold the door open for those already inside, and for those who could go through without question, but for those who are not allowed he would gently raise his elderly, statesman-like hand in front of the open door and politely tell them that they cannot go in 'at the present time", giving the illusion that they may, at some future point, be allowed to go through.
The person who could not proceed "at the present time" will wait patiently by the door for years. He will use every negotiating tactic at his disposal, and the door will still remain open, but he will still be told by the doorkeeper that, "it is not time at present". As he waits, many others will appear behind him and will somehow be allowed to pass through the door without question. Curiously, he never sees anyone come walking out.
Years will pass, and he will grow restless in his middle-age and attempt to bribe the doorkeeper with what little of value he still has left in his possession. The doorkeeper will accept the bribe with a slight smile, but will tell the man that he's only accepting it "so you can feel that you have done everything you could think of to try passing through".
Many years later, the frail and feeble-minded old man will finally be allowed to pass through the door, only to find himself in another, larger room with another open door, with another doorkeeper. To his surprise, everyone that he witnessed previously passing through the initial door without question will be found sitting inside that larger room, waiting. For decades the man had grown insanely jealous of these fortunate creatures, thinking them entitled or in possession of some sort of secret knowledge allowing passage. At this point he would bleakly realize that his vengeful daytime thoughts and nightly teeth grindings and waking moments of breathlessness, palpitations and indigestion were all for naught.
"If only all of us could stand up at once and, at a run, force our way through the door!" the man will think to himself, and as he makes up his mind to stand up, walk over to and entreat the others to join in on his brilliant plan, he would notice the doorkeeper closing the door and locking it. "Why have you shut the door and locked it?!?" the old man will scream with what will end up being his last earthly breaths. The doorkeeper will only smile slightly and reply, "The Law demands that the guilty- all of those who have long ago broken The Law, are currently breaking The Law, but also those who may someday try or even WISH to break The Law, shall never, ever enter."
Dick Cheney was a charter signatory to the notorious neocon think tank "Project for the New American Century", and as vp he played a leading role in Chimpy's administration's soaring warmongering, militarism and authoritarianism, including most famously the invasion of Iraq. He has the blood of millions of people on his hands, and he should be living out the rest of his miserable life in a cage.
His daughter Liz is an equally bloodthirsty warmonger who has spent her career pushing for mass military slaughter at every opportunity.
The Cheneys join a growing list of Republican warmongers who are migrating to the Democratic Party platform in droves to support Harris. Last month hundreds of staffers who served under Republicans George W Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney signed a letter endorsing Harris.
Really, it's not that Dick and Liz Cheney is endorsing the Democrats' vision for America, it's the Democrats who are endorsing the Cheneys' vision.
So now we're seeing two warmongering oligarchic parties shoving the Overton window of acceptable opinion as far in the direction of imperialism, militarism and tyranny as possible under the leadership of some of the very worst people alive.
The Democrats have completely failed America.