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" Israel tricked the Palestinians"

Well, they have been killing and oppressing and maiming and systemically sexually assaulting numerous Palestinian men, women, and children and babies for over 80 years, but yes, they do trick them as well- although that is probably lower on the list of complaints.

You always conveniently forget that-- in your absurd position that everything started on October 7th or everything started when Hamas was formed or... everything started after etc, etc. Before zionism came to the area, the area lived in relative peace. Since that time, non-stop dehumanization, oppression, and murder of the native inhabitants.

"If only the world would learn to adore the Palestinians as much as their Arab brothers do".

Arab or non-Arab, Christian or Muslim, white or black or yellow or red, they don't have to adore them. America didn't adore the Jews when the Nazis were trying to kill as many of them as possible, many Americans had hatred for the Jews, but they did stop the genocide. The world will try to do the same for the Palestinians. It may not work, after all, American military might makes Israel what it is, and then they have laptop button boys like you infesting the media and web making sure to spread their exaggerations and fabrications as far and wide as possible, but the attempt will most certainly be remembered for much longer than both America's and Israel's existences.

Pity that you look forward to Trump ruining America in order to do the same thing that the Biden administration is already doing to the Palestinians, albeit with a "kinder, gentler machine gun hand". But so lieth your loyalties to that hand which controls, first and foremost.

'Boomers selfishly refuse to let go"

Yes, like Anakin Skywalker they were the chosen ones- they were supposed to bring the world peace not leave it in pieces. Now all that remains is a very underwhelming and damaging legacy- Clinton, Dubya, Obama, Trump, and Biden, and probably Trump again...

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