Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News

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"Never seen proof of this"

Yes, that strange, unexplained phenomenon where US foreign policy moves along the same trajectory regardless of political party or election results is just one of those things that happens in nature. Kinda like a baby bird jumping out of it's nest, learning to fly just before it reaches ground and is crushed, and then, a few months later, knowing exactly how to build an exact replica of their former home. There is no noticeable evidence that it has to do with the involvement of some higher power- it is simply defined as "instinct" and as such, easier to resign oneself to, being nothing more than a compartmentalized mystery of nature.

Like how the Biden's administration's approach to strategic priorities over the past four years has been surprisingly consistent with the policies of the previous Trump administration.

Call the "deep state" a bureaucracy and perhaps that will feel more comforting. No one elects that bureaucracy. You can't even see most of it- behind the many layered veils of government and also corporate secrecy. You can study it your whole life and at best you'll come away with a list of opaque government agencies, corporations, banks, financial institutions, longtime military and intelligence operatives, war profiteers, various think tanks, lobbying firms, and NGOs with nebulous ties to various nations and governments around the world. But WHO EXACTLY will remain a mystery to you-- like God. So you create a personalized form of agnosticism or atheism to deal with those questions and mysteries and go about your life like it never even existed or fool yourself into thinking it never affects you directly.

But every once is while the veil is lifted, usually by something that has not been scripted and you sneak a peek at the reality. The current and ongoing genocide of the Palestinian peoples by Israel is one such recent occurrence. Everyone of consequence on both sides of the aisle fell into line-- like birds around the world building strikingly similar nests, as almost if by instinct...

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