This is simply an attempt to help the current energy mogul billionaires maintain their stranglehold on the permanent cash stream that our current energy production business model provides. That's because all the progress in wind and solar with battery storage threaten that cash flow because those energy sources can be downsized so that an individual or small community can get off that energy teat.
And energy mogul billionaires are scared to death they are going to lose their cash streams. Hence, the pretense that this billion dollar investment will work. I suppose it may, but I think it is way way way more likely this is some kind of Hail Mary pass to slow down the rapid progress that those alternative sources of energy are producing.
Let me repeat, this announcement is much less about the technology and much much much much more about permanent cash streams that the billionaires see disappearing in the future.
The billionaires won the last election and telehealth was a form of "working from home" that cut into real estate profits but also cut into insurance company profits. And those real estate and insurance companies don't like it when you cut into their profits.
By making it more cumbersome to see a doctor, some people will forgo it so the insurance companies win.
And if too many people got their healthcare via the phone, doctors and therapists might downsize their office space. So now landlords win. Especially the mega landlords.
But 77 million of our neighbors voted for this. Sad how easy it is to con the American public.